
Read Online Lust by Bonnie Bliss - Free Book Online

Book: Lust by Bonnie Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bliss
Tags: Nightmare
are in Venice. Thank you.” Asmodeus squeezed his hand and pulled off the monk’s head. “Obstinate bastard.” The body crumpled to the floor. Carrying the head in his hand, he walked to Father Paul and held Tomasso’s dead face towards him.
    Mocking Father Tomasso, he spoke to Paul. “Tell him where Josef is my brother, or he will make you suffer.”
    Paul’s parched bloody lips tried to move. The head twisted near his face.
    “What, what was that, brother?” Again the old man tried to lick his lips. “Here, let me kiss you.” Asmodeus put Tomasso’s lips to Paul’s and twisted them in a bizarre, morose kiss.
    Paul almost choked as the head was pulled back. Tears fell from lidless ducts. The devil leaned in.
    “Say it, or I will make your brother suck your skinless cock.”
    “ Corte Del Forno Vecchio ,” he said in slow low tones.
    “See, good man.” With a quick movement he bashed the two heads together. Bones cracked and shattered and Father Paul slumped on the cross, dead. Asmodeus threw Tomasso's head away, walked to the font and washed his hands, flicking the mess of blood and water off his fingers as he collected his jacket and walked outside into the sweet Italian weather. With a smile on his face, he started down the hill.

Chapter Seven
    E lizabeth clenched her teeth against the wave of pain that gripped her uterus. She tried to ease her body from Jared's, but he unconsciously clutched her that much tighter.
    He got super possessive when she was on her period. As if the devil could smell her crimson wave all the way from hell and she needed to be protected that much more. Josef acted strange around her too. It didn't make her feel comfortable that they didn't allow her to go anywhere alone, therefore she relied on them for her feminine hygiene products.
    She guessed it was a good thing Jared was willing to take one for the team and get her tampons. Not many men would take that plunge.
    Yet the last three months hadn't been a full picnic.
    Elizabeth had nearly had a breakdown when they first arrived. She went into her room. She did nothing but sleep, while Jared forced her to eat anything she would choke down. Took a good week for her to bathe the first time. Finally, it seemed Jared had had enough and carried her to his room, commencing a very sweet display of seduction that included reading, chocolate, and kissing. God, lots and lots of kissing.
    Being with Jared was the polar opposite of Asmodeus. Yes, Asmodeus did things to her, had moments. Yet Elizabeth couldn't help but feel those moments were fake, his infamous illusions that made her nearly swoon into his horrific life.
    Jared complimented her, made her feel beautiful, got her re-enrolled in school, and helped her find a damned out to this bullshit. All they'd come across so far was information that led them to believe a very real diamond existed in this deal, and perhaps they would be going all the way back to Louisiana to find said diamond. Or even confronting her shitty parents.
    Just the thought flared heat into her veins and she attempted to squirm from Jared.
    His face nuzzled into the curve of her neck and, God bless it, she was getting aroused.
    That was another thing.
    Aside from the God-awful cramps and the crime scene in her pants, she was also hyper horny during her periods since she grew horns. Even now they seemed to pulse on her head like a beacon telling men she was in heat. Josef made himself scarce but Jared couldn't keep his hands off her.
    They'd yet to make love. Maybe that was what it was. God knew she was impatient.
    "Trying to fly away, my little bird?" he mumbled against her neck. He seemed to growl as he took a deep breath and tugged her until she was astride his lap.
    "Fuck, you smell so good." He laid her down gently, her legs still over his, as he leaned with her body and took her mouth in a possessive kiss. Their tongues mated, her horns throbbing by this point, and she knew that if

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