Luring Lucy

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Book: Luring Lucy by Lori Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Foster
pas since he was a kid, now it was nearly impossible to contain the tide of emotion and sexual sensation brought on by her orgasm.
    Lucy held herself back, biting her lip, keeping herself as still as possible while the climax rolled through her. Bram knew it, but for now it was okay; for now he’d let her get away with it. After all, they were in a kitchen and this was their first sexual experience together.
    Later, when he had her naked in bed, he’d get her to let loose completely. He wouldn’t allow any timidity then.
    Lucy gulped for air, slumping against him. Her hands dropped away from his thighs, leaving behind small, stinging half-moons from her nails. Bram continued to lightly stroke her, knowing that she was now ultrasensitive and anything more than the most delicate touch would be too much. But letting her go completely was impossible.
    â€œYou’re so wet,” he whispered, and his voice shook as much as his hands. “I can feel how wet you are even through your shorts.”
    â€œHmmm?” She sounded mortified and amazed, and it amused him. He nuzzled her throat, kissing, tasting her skin. He wanted to drown himself in her.
    Her swallow was audible, a sign of nervousness. “I . . . I think I’m a little embarrassed.”
    â€œI think you’re amazing.” He kissed her ear. “And sexy.” He hugged her tight, rocking her. “And I want more. A whole lot more.” Then: “Why are you embarrassed?”
    Very slowly, she straightened up and removed her weight from him; her legs were shaky, but he didn’t force the issue. He just stood behind her, there for support if she wanted it.
    With trembling hands, she pulled her halter back into place. Bram wanted to protest; he loved looking at her breasts and he wanted her to face him, to let him get his fill of looking. He wanted to see her nipples and kiss them and suck them. He wanted to hear her moan as he drew off her, licking and tasting until she couldn’t bear it and neither could he.
    For years now he’d imagined what she’d look like, whether her nipples were mauve or pink or brown. Were they large or small? Seeing her breasts had been a fragment of a fantasy, pushing him closer and closer to his ultimate goal.
    Lucy shook her head. “I’m standing here,” she whispered, “inthe middle of the kitchen of all places and half-naked and there you are, fully dressed and—”
    Bram smiled at her back. “I can drop my shorts if you want.”
    She didn’t refuse him. Instead she warily turned to face him, and her gaze was all over him, but especially on his crotch. He throbbed beneath her intense scrutiny. She might as well have touched him, her look was so carnal, making him swell even more until he hurt with the need for release.
    With a deep breath, she said, “Would you? Really? I mean, it wouldn’t embarrass you?”
    Bram reached for the snap at his waistband, and she caught his hands. Laughing a little in excitement and disbelief, she said, “I think I need to sit down for this.”
    Heated excitement coursed through Bram. He could barely draw a deep breath, but he mustered up the strength to catch her hand and drag her from the kitchen.
    When he headed for the front room, she balked. “Bram? Aren’t we going to the bedroom?”
    â€œNot yet.” His voice was a rasp, barely discernible, raw with need. “Let’s get through stage two first, and if we both survive that we’ll eventually make it to the bedroom before the day is through.”
    Her own voice low with need, Lucy said, “Stage two?”
    Bram reached the leather couch that faced the sliding patio doors and pulled Lucy down into the plush cream-colored cushions with him. He kissed her hungrily, devouring her, and to his immense pleasure, she kissed him back. It wasn’t easy, but Bram managed to lift his mouth away from hers.

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