
Read Online Luke by Jennifer Blake - Free Book Online

Book: Luke by Jennifer Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Blake
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everyone knew her better than he did. He wondered if it might be because everyone seemed to have read her books.
    April allowed him to carry her briefcase and remain at her side, but she didn’t introduce him. That the individuals who came up to her were curious about him was plain enough. Speculation gleamed in their eyes as they glanced from April to him and then back again. She paid no attention, just as she ignored him. It roused the devil in him, made him want to do something outrageous to make her acknowledge his presence. A plump little lady with white hair and a twinkle in her eyes saved him from it.
    â€œDon’t keep us in suspense any longer, my dearApril. Tell us about this good-looking man you’ve brought with you,” she urged. “You haven’t gone and got married without telling anybody, now have you?”
    â€œHeaven’s no,” April answered without turning a hair. “This is Luke, and he’s the cover model for my next book. Don’t you think he’s just the perfect dark and handsome, devil-may-care hero?”
    Luke turned his head sharply to stare at her. She held his gaze, her own limpid with innocence. She meant to get his goat, he thought, maybe even embarrass him enough so he’d turn tail and run.
    â€œOh, my,” the white-haired lady said, reaching out to touch his arm as she took a deep breath that swelled her bosom to notable proportions. “I most certainly do think so! He’s got Fabio and the Topaz man beat all to pieces.”
    Luke had no idea who those guys were, but the worshipful look on the woman’s face suddenly tickled his funny bone. At the same time, he saw that playing up to the image April had given him just might be the best way to turn the tables on her.
    Taking the white-haired lady’s hand, he raised it to his lips. In the sultriest tones he could conjure up on short notice, he said, “Thank you, ma’am. You’re too kind.”
    She leaned forward, eyes sparkling, to whisper, “Not half as kind as I might have been once upon a time.”
    He laughed; he just couldn’t help it. Suddenly he felt a little more in control. He was going to be harder to dislodge than April might think. With a little luck everything might yet turn out all right.Leaning closer to the audacious older woman, he said, “If I’d been around then I might have been extremely grateful for the—favor.”
    â€œFavors, you mean—or at least I hope you did,” she returned, her face crinkled in a thousand lines of enjoyment as she tipped her head coquettishly.
    â€œCertainly I did. What else?” He sketched a bow that he devoutly hoped wasn’t an insult to his gentlemen ancestors.
    The elderly charmer giggled; there was no other word for it. Heads turned in their direction and people smiled. April didn’t appear to think it was funny at all. Luke, watching her turn and stride away, felt his lips twitch in a barely controlled grin.
    Later, however, as April mounted to the podium to give her keynote speech, his mood turned more somber. She was fantastic, speaking straight from the shoulder, telling it the way she saw it. At the same time she was self-deprecating and touchingly frank about her problems and insecurities. Her remarks drew applause several times. When she said her final thank you and stepped back from the microphone, the standing ovation she received seemed to surprise her as much as it delighted her.
    Luke rose with the others, giving April Halstead the applause that was her due. She was a special lady, he thought; Roan had been right about that. He could still hear her voice reverberating in his mind as it had echoed through the room from the loudspeaker. Its soft yet clear timbre lingered deep inside him. It ignited a slow fire in his blood, yes, but there was more to it than that. Watching her,listening to her, made him incredibly glad they were both alive here and now.
    It also

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