Lucky in Love

Read Online Lucky in Love by Karina Gioertz - Free Book Online

Book: Lucky in Love by Karina Gioertz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karina Gioertz
was the following Wednesday and I was at work. It was the last period before lunch and I was hurrying to get the homework assignments up before my class lost complete interest and ran for the cafeteria. I was right in mid-sentence when I caught sight of Noah standing outside my classroom door. Somewhat startled by the sight of him, I momentarily paused and recovered, just as the bell rang, setting my students free. Without hesitating, they all jumped from their seats, completely ignoring the fact that I hadn’t been able to finish my train of thought and their homework assignments were incomplete.
    As my 11 th graders filed their way through the narrow door, Noah managed to slide in past them and into the room. Rather than facing me as he entered, he stood at somewhat of an angle allowing him to check out some of my female students as they walked away. I shook my head in disgust, although part of me wondered if he was doing it just to get under my skin.
    “You know you could go to jail for that,” I informed him in case he hadn’t thought of that.
    “Relax, that's a mistake I won't make a second time,” He said casually, now walking over towards where I was standing.
    “What?” I asked, unable to hide the horror on my face.
    “Totally kidding.” He reached up and rubbed the sides of my arms to assure me it had just been a joke.
    “What are you doing here?  You never come and see me at work.” It was true. In fact, up until that very moment, I wasn’t aware he even knew where I worked.
    “I know, but that may change now that I've seen your hot teacher look.” He was giving me a once over and moving his eyebrows up and down in an approving manner. I instinctively pulled both sides of my sweater to the front in an effort to hide myself from his glare.
    “What are you talking about?”
    “The hair, the glasses.  You never look like this when you leave in the morning. It's all strict and sexy.” The motion from his eyebrows had now spread to his hands and arms as he was pointing things out and carving my silhouette out of thin air with his hands.
    “You think everything is sexy,” I said dismissively as I turned to walk around my desk in order to put a little distance between us.
    “On you, yes.” He was nodding vigorously.
    “Ok, you're making me strangely uncomfortable now.  Just tell me what you are doing here.” I could only handle so many advances from Noah, before I started to believe they were sincere. A problem I had come to learn most women had when they were around him.
    Noah reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope.
    “I just wanted to bring you these.  They're two tickets to the concert tonight at the bar.  The band is pretty good and I know you have that date tonight, I thought you two might want to come,” he said as he handed me the tickets. I took them from him, surprised now for the second time since I had looked up and seen him standing outside my door.
    “Oh, that's really sweet, Noah, thank you.” I slid the envelope into the side pocket of my bag and then walked back around the desk to give him a hug. When I let go I asked, “So, are you going to be working tonight?”
    “Of course, concert nights mean big money,” he replied with enthusiasm.
    “Yeah, I remember,” I said quietly as I realized that we were still standing rather close to one another and hadn’t actually broken contact since the hug.
                  Suddenly aware of the same thing, Noah took a step back and said, “Well, I better go. Amy's in the car waiting for me.”
    “You brought a girl and you left her in the car?” I gasped.
    “Just go,” I said, as I began shoving him out of the room.
    “Ok, Ok.” He picked up the pace on his own and left the classroom, switching into a little jog as he reached the hall.
    I felt a sudden urge to hurl one last insult in his direction, so I ran for the door and yelled after him, “I hope you at least cracked the window for

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