Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series

Read Online Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series by L.J. Dee - Free Book Online

Book: Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series by L.J. Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.J. Dee
with a box
of tissues and a bottle of wine.
sobbed my heart out to my stunned sister, recalling every detail of the
conversation and she was even more incensed than me.
    “The cheeky bastards. You should have kept that recording to sue them for sexual harassment, or
discrimination, Jess,” she spat. “They obviously think you know about the contract
because you’ve signed it. It sounds like Turnbull played a blinder and decided
to stick one to the Hunter brothers before he was forced out. He trained as a
lawyer you know and it sounds like he’s outsmarted them. He always did like to
have the last laugh. I’ll have to thank him for that,” she grinned as I forced
a tight smile.
am I going to do, Chas?” I asked, my voice reflecting the sickening panic that
was rippling through my stomach.
thing on Monday you explain that Mr Turnbull said there was a small change to
your contract, so you just signed it with no idea that it was not as
inconsequential as you thought. Then you need to tell them that you haven’t
screwed your boss or anyone else for five years,” she said calmly.
none of their business. I have no intention of telling the Hunter brothers
about my sex life, or lack of it, and there is absolutely no way I ever want
them to find out about Dexter. Lucas Hunter is one judgemental bastard and I’m
not giving him any more ammunition, Sis,” I said, sighing deeply. “I should
just quit.”
was immediately in my face. “You will not fucking quit. Be smart here. If they
ask you to do nothing, do it and rub their smug faces in it. Make them fire you
and get the fifty grand. I mean it, Jess, you sit there with your feet up on
your desk reading gossip magazines if that’s what it takes, and tell Melody to
go and fuck herself if she even glances in your direction. You need to get
tough here, it sounds like those Hunter brothers are,” she said firmly and didn’t
I know it.
just want to do my job, Chas. I don’t want any of this shit,” I said as the
tears threatened again, just as the kitchen door edged open ever so slightly.
      “Come in Dexter,” Chas smiled as he came to
hug me.
    “Why are you crying, Mummy?” He gazed up at me, genuine concern etched on every feature of his five year old
I said, pointing at the worktop and picking him up. It was the standard
explanation for mine and Chas’s tearful kitchen moments, which were thankfully
less frequent than they used to be and he was still at the age where he bought
on Dex, let’s play castles.”
need to quit that fairytale crap and play something else,” Chas scalded.
Chas said ‘crap’, Mummy,” Dex gasped as I glared at her.
me,” she winked at him, giggling as he giggled back.
princesses today though, Dex, we need to be slaying dragons,” I said, looking
back at Chas.
you do.”

the events of the day, the evening was surprisingly pleasant as me and Dex
slayed imaginary dragons in a mythical land where everything sparkled and the
good guys always won. We ate, bathed and cuddled on the couch and by the time I
read him a story and put him to bed I was exhausted, falling asleep in the
lounge in front of a film with a glass of wine still in my hand.
was shaking me as I woke with a giant grin on her face. “How was your night?” I
asked, still coming round and wondering why the hell she looked so excited. Her
eyes were blazing as she bounced onto the couch next to me and I wondered which
unobtainable gazillionaire she’d managed to land tonight.
you go mental, you’ve got to hear me out,” she said quickly. Oh God, there was
nothing guaranteed to pull me out of my semi sleeping state more than Chas pre-warning
me not to go mental. She poured herself a wine as I took a swig of mine and sat
back staring at her.
this is how it went down...” she said, taking a deep

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