Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series)

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Book: Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series) by Madison Daniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Daniel
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me, boy,” he ordered. His big hands grabbed my arms and turned me toward the office. Another officer yanked at my backpack. The tingle in my hand had now become an itch. It was time to fight back.
    “Wait! What’s going on? What did I do?” I yelled. He tried to shove me forward, but I locked my feet in place. Felicity watched from a distance with disbelief.
    ~ Fight. ~
    My body tensed up all over. Aggression bubbled to life within me. With a protective stance I fought the new desire to smash my bag into the officer’s face. Did my new bravery come from my fear, or the talking gem in my locker? I pushed myself backwards with more force. Forcefully, a second officer latched onto my other arm.
    “Please, do not resist!”
    ~ Fight! Now! ~
    My hands balled into fists around the straps of my backpack as my body swelled with a strange and powerful inner strength. This must be how Dr. Banner feels before hulking out and destroying everything. This was happening! I was going to fight back! Lucas SMASH! My eyesight tightened to a razor-sharp focus and my blood pressure raced. But before I had a chance to release the smack-down, a student walking by started screaming at the top of his lungs. TWACK! His whole body zoomed past us and smashed against my locker.
    “Help! What the hell?” he called out, reaching for the police officers. They watched in wide-eyed horror as the boy was pinned by his school bag that tightly held him inside of its straps. The bag and zippers pushed against the metal as if they were one. He tried to look over his shoulder at the locker door, but couldn’t turn his head enough. He tried to reach behind his back and free the clasps on the straps, but it was useless. He was locked in, nice and tight. He would need to be cut free. He dangled from the locker door like a flinching rag doll, inches off the ground, kicking and screaming.
    “Please, help me!”
    I ripped an arm free from my captive and quickly reached out to the kid. My hand found the release button on the bags straps and when I pushed it, they opened without any trouble. The student fell to the ground in tears with a thud.
    ~ His name is Grant. ~
    “What’s happening?” he stuttered, trying to find his legs again. I pulled him to his feet just before the officer secured my arm again.
    “It’ll be okay, Grant,” I said, softly.
    “How did you know my name?” he gasped.
    “Umm...lucky guess...” I coughed. “What’s in your bag?”
    “Nothing,” he whimpered.
    “Are you sure?” I asked, again. The officers tightened their grasp a little.
    “Just my books and some supplies for Biology class.” Grant started to cry. I felt horrible. What was in my locker? What had I set in motion here? My hand began to ache, softly. The police officers looked at me in confusion and possible hate. With an extreme shove, they directed me towards the office at the end of the hallway. I didn’t resist them this time.
    ~ We will fight. We will win. ~
    The sea of curious students and teachers parted as we made our way for the office. Felicity stared at me with guilty eyes before fading into the distance. Was I dreaming again? None of this made any sense.
    I had spent the last fifteen minutes locked in Principal Garner’s office, handcuffed to his desk. I sat with my head lowered toward to the floor. I was so lost in my rushing thoughts, that I didn’t even notice when someone joined me in the makeshift prison cell.
    “What’s in your locker, Mr. Ryan?” It was the same eerie voice I heard earlier, over the police radios. In person, the man’s voice was even more strange. I lifted my head to get a better look at my interrogator.
    “Who are you?” I asked, bluntly. The tall, bald man looked down at me with a calculated smile that was as disturbing as it was welcoming. His teeth were perfect, exceptional. Like a spokesmodel on your favorite daytime gameshow. His eyes were dark brown, almost black and slightly

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