Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series)

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Book: Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series) by Madison Daniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Daniel
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the phone. Carefully, I picked it up and realized that the message had been sent from my phone number. Olivia had sent me a message. I opened it in a split second and read...
    My chest popped with excitement and a tiny sliver of hope.

LEVEL 08: Every Day Is Exactly The Same
    I felt frozen. Paralyzed by the sight in front of me. I managed to force my feet forward. They stumbled over themselves, staggering through the front doors of the high school. There were police officers everywhere; in the streets, in the parking lot, inside the school. Two rather large officers stood quiet and observant at each side of the doors. They watched me with anxious stares. I tried my best to not make eye contact with either of them. Sirens rang out from behind me as an ambulance and firetruck pulled up. The two officers closed the doors quickly, shielding my view. What was going on here? If there was such a big emergency, why were they still letting students into the building?
    There was another officer down the hall questioning students. As I made my way down the hall for a better look things started to feel different. Everyone I passed by would shoot me an accusing glare. I had a bad feeling about all of this. Something was very wrong. The overwhelming truth that this was somehow my fault, numbed me.
    “Just breathe,” I said. Get to your locker and the stone. Just grab the thing and go home. You’ve done nothing wrong. I tightened my grip around the strap of my backpack and pushed through the congested hallway.
    ~ Leave now. ~
    Oh great, not now. A slow tingle slid along my fingers. My right hand had felt weird since early this morning. I just thought I had hurt it in last nights adventures, but as I looked at my fingertips, I remembered it was the same hand I had touched the mysterious stone with. Only ten yards from my locker, a fever scurried up my arm. Did that thing infect me?
    ~ Turn and run. ~
    I ignored the warning in my head and pushed on. I had no time for insanity this morning.
    ~ Run. Now. ~
    My hand started to throb as I stepped up to the section of lockers that housed my secret. If only I had listened to the voice in my head.
    “Is that him?” an angry officer asked. Three other police in full uniform positioned themselves on both sides of me. In the middle of the quartet stood Felicity. She nodded her head yes.
    “Are you sure?” another officer asked, with his hand shaking at his side.
    “Yes.” She looked terrified, but happy enough to turn me in. But for what? I had done nothing illegal. She was lucky the four officers were there as I felt my face fill with red hot hate. My archenemy had crossed the line this time. Before I could unleash my wrath, my eyes focused on the lockers behind Felicity. My heart stopped. Against my locker door was a collection of weapons, huddled together in a mess of steel. A couple pocket knives of different shapes and sizes, a large hunting knife and four handguns. Even the heavy emergency ax from the big red box on the wall stuck there as if magnetized. Positioned all over the metal door like the magnets on my refrigerator at home.
    “Are you Lucas Ryan?” the first officer asked, annoyed. He stepped towards me cautiously. That’s when I noticed all four cops were missing their weapons. Four empty holsters dangled from their sides.
    ~ Run. ~
    “Is this your locker, boy?” he asked, angry. A large lump slid down my dry throat. I stupidly nodded yes. They pushed Felicity out of the way and surrounded me completely. One lifted his police radio and called out to whoever was in charge.
    “He’s here, we have him secure.”
    From the speaker came a voice I would never forget. It was ridiculously cheerful with a slight raspy overtone. “Bring him to me.”
    “Come with

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