Loving and Loathing Vegas

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Book: Loving and Loathing Vegas by Lex Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lex Chase
Vegas’s mouth made a goddamn bit of sense. He laced his fingers behind his neck and kept his gaze at his feet.
    When he didn’t say anything, Vegas went on. “I hung out with Cillian more for advice on how to do this. I suggested we hire him on to give you some much needed time for yourself.”
    “This?” Jackson asked, gesturing to the tattooed sex god before him. “What are you even on about?”
    “Are you really that dense?” Vegas asked, his voice a breathy growl. “I’ve been waiting for you to notice me. Not as your best friend since before Eden. Not as your roommate. Not as your business partner. As someone who’s been dying for you to look at them the same way you look at a damned Grindr hookup.”
    Jackson shot ramrod straight, his face flushing and heating against the cold of the walk-in. “You think I don’t notice you? Are you serious?” He scoffed. “Are you serious ?”
    Despite his demonic features, Vegas looked away like a swatted puppy. “Anyway. It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have and it was stupid. And now I’ve gone and made it complicated.”
    “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Jackson snapped, throwing out his hands in a wide arch. “I’ve been waiting for you to notice me . All these years—centuries, epochs, rise and fall of fucking civilizations—I’ve waited for you .” He snorted, glancing away. “I’ve followed you to Hell, moved in with you, watched boyfriends come and go. I willingly came to Earth with you, agreed to seal my power. I even followed you out here to a town of only a hundred people because you wanted to be a chef. I’ve loved you since you crawled out of that damned river of fire that one summer.”
    They locked gazes, and Jackson’s mouth ran dry.
    “Why didn’t you say anything?” Vegas asked, slowly smiling.
    Jackson chuckled, embarrassed. “Pride, I guess.” He shrugged. “We’re demons, after all. You were out of my league, and I assumed you weren’t interested.” He toed the metal grate flooring. “So, I guess we both lost the bet, then.”
    “You’re wrong.”
    Jackson blinked, confused. “I don’t have a date for Christmas.”
    “I didn’t say date. I said fall in love,” Vegas said.
    “But you said with other people,” Jackson said with a frown.
    “I’m other people. You’re other people. We’re otherworldly people.” Vegas crossed his arms and wore a jackass smug expression. “You really need to learn to negotiate the terms of a contract. Did you forget I worked at the Faustian Deals Call Center once?”
    Jackson smirked. “You are the biggest fucking asshat ever.”
    “Are you going to kiss me or what?” Vegas asked. “I broke my seal for you, and I could fuck the Matterhorn I’m so full of sexual frustration.”
    In the space between seconds, Jackson crashed into Vegas, bodies meshing, rock-hard cocks grinding into each other through their jeans. Jackson claimed Vegas’s mouth and shuddered as he curled his fingers into his tank top and pulled him closer. Vegas seemed to cave to Jackson’s will. He parted his lips and permitted Jackson to explore him with his tongue. He tasted of spice, and the energies inside him drifted into Jackson’s mouth, warming him from within. Jackson pulled away, taking Vegas’s bottom lip between his teeth and biting with a fang. The sweet and tangy droplets of blood burned on his lips better than New Mexican moonshine.
    He pushed into Vegas, taking his pleasures of Vegas’s mouth with his own.
    Vegas willingly surrendered, holding Jackson close. Vegas stumbled back from Jackson’s forceful weight, slamming into the walk-in door, but it didn’t budge.
    Jackson was thankful for the privacy as his cock ached, filling his jeans. He rolled his hips against Vegas’s, trying to ease the wanting pain away.
    Vegas took the role of the aggressor and palmed Jackson’s ass though his jeans. Bracing his palms at his hip joints, Vegas lifted Jackson to him, and Jackson obediently wrapped

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