Loving a Bad Boy
sorts of things. Mama
didn’t know half of those clowns who thought they were important
because she was living with daddy. Then she got
    She paused and closed her eyes again.
“Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if she hadn’t had a
miscarriage and lost that baby.”
    “ Huh?” Stunned, he stared
at his mother. Miscarriage ? What the hell
    “ Daddy said she was
devastated when she lost their son. It was nobody’s fault,
according to the doctor it just happened.”
    “ That’s possible, right?”
He didn’t want to believe that someone messed over a relative of
his, even if she was long gone.
    She nodded. “According to daddy they were in
bed together when she started bleeding. After that daddy claimed
she changed. Stopped going out with him, became more reserved.”
    Not knowing what to say, he squeezed her
    “ Anyway, he finally
convinced her to marry him when she was pregnant with me the
following year. She was determined that nothing would happen to me.
Daddy said she was super careful, wouldn’t let him touch her.” His
mom’s smirk offered a clue how her dad felt about that.
    Curious, he nodded hoping she would continue
the story.
    “ After I was born, mama
didn’t want her family coming around and asked daddy to keep them
from us.”
    “ Us? You and
    She nodded. “Yeah. Daddy had taken over the
Cartel by then and he refused to give them anything else. So they
started asking mama for money and favors. That pissed daddy off so
he took out two of mama’s cousins, said they were being
    “ I see that.” He knew he
would’ve done the same thing.
    She chuckled as she leaned back in the chair
and crossed her arms. “Yeah, I told you the two of you were
    “ Yeah, you did.” He leaned
back in the chair next to her and took her hand. For a moment they
sat in silence.
    “ They killed her.” The
soft spoken words were amplified by the quiet of the room. Although
he had suspected that’s what happened he had hoped he was
    His throat tightened at the pain in her
voice. “How old were you?”
    “ Six. I had six years with
her. She’d gotten pregnant twice after me and lost both. The
doctor’s told daddy it was dangerous for her to keep trying. So he
    Julio stilled at the implication. He had a
strong sex-drive and couldn’t imagine living without it. “He
cheated on her.” It was a statement.
    She nodded. “I didn’t find out until I got
pregnant with you. But according to daddy, she found out and was
devastated. She wanted to leave him. They argued about it and he
promised to stop.”
    “ Did he?”
    She shrugged. “He said he did. For a while
at least. But she never fully forgave him. She kept trying to
leave. Once she made it past the gate before he discovered we were
missing. She told me we were going for a walk. I remember being
pushed to the ground as bullets flew by my head.”
    She turned toward him, her eyes like lasers.
“That’s when I discovered what being daddy’s daughter meant.
Families weren’t safe. Mama screamed and kicked as security threw
us into a car and took us back to the house. Daddy ran down the
stairs, picked me up and carried me into the house. I remember mama
crying in the background, but I was so glad to be safe with my
daddy again that I just snuggled closer to him. They argued all the
time. Once daddy slapped her and she spit on him.” She sighed. “It
was a hard time. I never went for walks with her again. Daddy hired
me a nanny and we spent most of our time together. Mama would come
and sit with me sometimes but she never took me anywhere
    The sadness in her voice made his heart ache
for her. He threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her
    “ Umm, you smell good,” she
said as she inhaled.
    “ It’s that cologne you
bought me for my birthday.” He grinned looking at her upturned face
as she sniffed him over like a hound.
    “ I know. I love

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