Love's Protection (Passion Moon 3): (A Shifter, Supernatural Romance)

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Book: Love's Protection (Passion Moon 3): (A Shifter, Supernatural Romance) by Renee Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Jordan
“Bobby Ray, Smith, Curtis, and Xavier, you're with Hank. He'll be taking the lead on breaching the rear entrance. All these cabins have a back door.” Forrest tapped the corner of the cabin. “Should be there. Since there's no good way to flank it, we'll drive up in force and form a perimeter. The witches will disable his protections, then we'll breach the front and rear of the house at once.”
    “Roger, boss,” his deputies nodded. They all grinned and shifted. They were excited. All of them were wolf shifters, and the hunt was on.
    I wish I had their enthusiasm. I just wanted this to be over. I wanted to punish my father and then go back to my life. My insides were twisted. It took all my self-control not to tremble as the adrenaline roared through me.
    “Kiernan, you'll have the battering ram for the front door. Arnie will take the back. We don't take chances. This witch is a terrible man. He's hurt Kotie. He's Burt's mentor.”
    More than a few deputies snarled. They had lost three of their pack when Burt burned down the school gymnasium at the Policeman's Ball. Their excitement changed to snarling rage. The pack's eyes all gleamed. They were out for blood.
    “So we put him down. You get a shot, take it. This witch is too dangerous to let live.”
    I shuddered. A part of me, that good part that had always hoped to meet the version of my father that my momma believed in, wanted to protest. But the more practical part of me, the woman that had been beaten and abused by the men in my life, never wanted to be hurt again. My father was responsible for Wayne and Burt.
    “You okay with that, Kotie?” Forrest asked.
    “I'm not,” I answered. “But it has to be done. It'll have to suffice in place of justice.”

Chapter Six: Barbed Wire
    Forrest's SUV led the convoy. The deputies had doubled up, leaving half their cars behind. They carried a mix of shotguns and, I was surprised to see, AR-15 assault rifles, the civilian version of the M16. The cabins rushed by us as Forrest roared around the winding roads through them. Ahead, cabin seven stood alone. Vanessa was standing behind her car, an assault rifle aimed at the cabin. She looked strange dressed in her street clothes, out of place with the other deputies.
    Forrest drove onto the grass lawn before the cabin and turned his wheel so the driver side faced the cabin. He threw open his door, leaning behind it and aiming his shotgun at the cabin. I bailed out on the other side and, crouching, raced to the back of the SUV.
    The other deputies flooded out of their cars. Hank and his team, with Penny at the center, rushed along the cabin while Xavier and Curtis moved to surround the cabin's sides, taking cover where they could find it.
    Vanessa rushed over. “What's the plan, boss?” she asked, excitement burning in her green eyes.
    “The witches will neutralize the spells, then we'll breach the cabin. I want you to hang back with Miss Maggie and Kotie when we breach. Cover us with your rifle. If we need help, you'll be there to cover Kotie and Miss Maggie as they run up.”
    “Roger, boss,” she nodded.
    My tattoo prickled. “There's definitely magic here.”
    My cell phone rang. I answered it. “Do you feel the magic?” Penny asked.
    “Yeah. It's strong. He must have ringed it with enchantments. He's bunkered himself in there.”
    “We'll need to work together, hammer him from both sides.”
    “Yep. Let's figure out what we're dealing with first.”
    I put my phone on speaker and set it on the bumper of Forrest's SUV. I took a deep breath and focused my will. I hated dealing with Death spirits. They were foul and disgusting, but they were also necessary for divining. “Spirits of divination, reveal what wards the cabin before me!” I commanded.
    Penny chanted something similar. Static burst out of my phone as dark shadows crept out of the earth. The spirits rose, surrounded by a nimbus of wan, purple light. The spirits rushed towards the cabin, painting the

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