Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5)

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Book: Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5) by Ramona Flightner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramona Flightner
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance, Pioneer
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rather than later.” Gabriel sat on the back steps for a moment, enjoying the early evening air.
    “I don’t need any more schooling, Gabe. I’ve never understood why you insisted I continued on until I was eighteen. I don’t need to graduate from high school. I can apprentice out for something like you did.”
    “No, Jer. I’m earning some money now, and I want you to finish school.”
    “If you didn’t have to worry about paying for my clothes, paper and a few books, we’d be able to move out sooner,” Jeremy argued.
    “Your education is worth more than all the turmoil of living here. Mum and Da wanted their sons to be educated. And you will be, Jer,” Gabriel argued.
    “You’re educated. Just in a different way. And you never seem to stop reading. I’ve never known someone to check out so many books from the library,” Jeremy said as he rose to follow Gabriel into the house, just in time to hear the screeching of their aunt.
    “Oh, how I miss Mrs. Thynne,” Jeremy said. “She had a way of calming Aunt down.”
    “And of keeping us fed, even against Aunt’s orders,” Gabriel muttered. “I can’t believe it’s already been six years since Mrs. Thynne died.” Gabriel shook his head mournfully as he remembered learning of the irreverent, disobedient, affectionate cook’s passing. His mouth firmed as he said, “The latest cook is under Aunt’s thumb, and there’s no hope for us.”
    “At least Mr. Smithers always has food,” Jeremy said as he rubbed at his rumbling stomach. They grimaced as they heard their aunt’s voice rise to a loud shriek.
    “Yeah, although I don’t know as he was planning on having to feed three hungry McLeods,” Gabriel said with a chuckle. “Let’s go listen to her sputter. Rich shouldn’t have to hear it alone.”
    They walked down the hallway, entering the kitchen just as a loud crack rendered the air. Gabriel saw Richard’s head jerk to the side as he was slapped by his aunt.
    Gabe raced for his aunt, placing himself between his brother and her, his blue eyes darkened with anger, daring her to strike him. “You’d strike someone who only defended himself from a vicious attack? It’s no one’s fault except your son’s, who is a bumbling oaf, who trips over his own feet and crashes into walls. You’d do better to remember that there are always two sides to a story, Aunt.”
    “And your side is forever tarnished with lies and half-truths,” she snapped. “I will always believe my son over the word of a contemptible McLeod. You will spin a tale to make it seem you are all that is shiny and good when, in truth, you are the spawn of . . .” She broke off as Gabriel took a warning step toward her, a growl leaving his throat.
    “Don’t, Aunt,” Gabriel hissed.
    “I’ve already instructed Cook to hold your dinner for the evening and for breakfast tomorrow.”
    “Jeremy needs to eat to be successful at school,” Gabriel argued.
    “You should have considered that before you caused the expense of a doctor and new clothes for Henry. You must learn that your actions have consequences.” She smiled with malicious pleasure. “We will think of you as we enjoy our pot roast with potatoes, peas and carrots. I heard the bread pudding is one of the best Cook has ever created.” Her smile took on a triumphant gleam as she turned.
    They heard her heels click on the wooden stairs.
    “Witch,” Jeremy said, holding his stomach. He glared at Richard. “Couldn’t you, for once, not fight him?”
    “What did you expect me to do, Jer? Just slide on by as he belted me?”
    “Stop it, this instant,” Gabriel commanded in a deep, authoritative voice, reminiscent of their father’s. “You’re allowing her to win. She wants us to start fighting among ourselves so that we are no longer united. She’s wanted that for nine years. Are we going to finally allow her to succeed?” He turned angry eyes to his brothers and watched the frustration on their faces turn to

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