Love's Fiery Jewel

Read Online Love's Fiery Jewel by Elaine Barbieri - Free Book Online

Book: Love's Fiery Jewel by Elaine Barbieri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Barbieri
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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quashi than she had thought him to be.

    Head held high, she approached him, swinging her
milk container and basket casually. As she drew closer,
Amethyst noted that William did not appear angry as she
had expected, but seemed extremely sober, more serious
than she had ever seen him. Somehow this serious
William unnerved her far more than the raging William
of a week before.
    Suddenly very serious herself, Amethyst stepped onto
the trail to the plantation, and said softly, "Good
morning, William. You're out quite early today, aren't
    Without a flicker of a smile, William answered quietly
in return, "Somehow I had the feeling it would be safer to
get here early today, Amethyst, if I wanted to see you."
    "And is it so important to see me today, William?"
Amethyst was once again puzzled by his behavior and
tried valiantly to draw him out, but William would not be
budged. Nodding his head slightly, he refused to say more
than, "Yes, it is," before moving forward onto the trail to
the kitchen, indicating he had nothing more to say at
    Except for an exchange of pleasantries with Delsea,
they maintained complete silence until they returned to
the road. Mounting up on Nero, William held out his arm
in a familiar gesture, saying as he did, "Come on,
Amethyst, I'll ride you home. There are some things we
must discuss that have been put off far too long already."
    Abruptly wary of this new William, Amethyst shook her head. "No, William, it's a nice day...I think I'd like
to walk."

    His eyes suddenly catching and holding hers, William
did not allow her to continue. "Please, Amethyst, don't
be difficult. It's important to me that some things be
straightened out."
    The soft quality of desperation in his voice persuaded
her far more effectively than a command, and reaching
up, Amethyst accepted his hand and was pulled up
behind him.
    As before, there was an uneasy silence between them
that went unbroken for the duration of the ride until
Amethyst noticed that William was directing Nero off
the road.
    "Where are you going, William? I have to go home."
    "I just want to talk to you for a few minutes,
Amethyst, and I can't do it while we're bumping along
the road and you're staring at my back."
    Within a few minutes, Nero was tethered at a small
tree and William had seated her on a log in a lovely little
glade beside a small brook. Once seated alongside her, he
seemed reluctant to begin, and feeling extremely uneasy,
Amethyst nervously looked away from his troubled
mahogany eyes.
    The spot William had chosen to talk was lushly
beautiful. Small trees common to the area were in full
blossom, their dark, glossy leaves contrasting brilliantly
with the profusion of mauve-blue flowers that preceded
the fruit. Nearby a fat green lizard scampered up the
trunk of a large palm, his throat fan flaring colorfully for
the benefit of a drab little female close by, and Amethyst
could not suppress a small smile at his vain display.
    "It's lovely here, William. This area must have been
glorious before so much of the land was cleared for cane.
I've never seen these trees in such profuse bloom

    "Yes, it is lovely, Amethyst, but all beauty pales to
insignificance beside yours."
    Startled by his compliment, Amethyst turned her gaze
to his and saw that he was in complete earnest.
Amethyst's heart began a slow pounding as their glances
met and a light giddiness stole over her. Unable and
undesirous of looking away, she continued to hold his
gaze as William raised a tentative hand to touch her
cheek lightly.
    "You know what these trees are called, don't you
Amethyst?" he said softly, referring to the brilliant
blooms. "They're called the `tree of life.' A very
appropriate place to bring you to discuss..." Appearing
suddenly unable to say more, he swallowed tightly and
in one swift movement had pulled her into a crushing
embrace, straining her tight to his chest as he whispered

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