Love Will

Read Online Love Will by Lori L. Otto - Free Book Online

Book: Love Will by Lori L. Otto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori L. Otto
Tags: Family & Relationships, new adult, love, rock star
history made him an intimidating figure to my mother, and when I was born, she was so guilt-ridden about their relationship that she would do–and did–anything he told her to.
    When Max came along eight years later, it just made sense to keep our last names the same since we had the same biological parents. “To what?”
    “Scott.” I smile. Of course he’d want Jon’s last name. And Mom’s. That, too, makes sense. “I’m consulting a lawyer and getting the process started for Max. The law says your dad has to give consent in writing since he’s a minor.”
    “Good luck getting that. He won’t talk to Max.”
    “I’m hoping he’ll talk to Mom. You don’t think he’ll have a problem with the name change thing, do you?”
    “He disowned us both,” I tell Jon. “I would think it would make him happy.”
    “That’s what we were thinking.”
    “Good, yeah. I think it’s a good idea, then.” Max Scott . Sounds weird. “Oh, fuck,” I say laughing. “We just got our little brother a genuine nickname: Mascot is born.”
    “Oh, no,” Jon laughs with me. “I knew something sounded familiar about it when I said it… Mascot. No, I like that.”
    “I think I like it better than Max,” I tell him.
    “Yeah,” he agrees, still chuckling. “It’s cute.”
    “Totally fits him.”
    “Absolutely.” I’m proud of Max for taking this step. He should disassociate with the asshole, and sever all ties. I probably should, too . “So, ummm… what about you?” he asks, interpreting my silence like some creepy psychic… one who’s known me all my life, and now that he’s taken some time to step outside his bubble and see me for who I am, probably knows me better than anyone.
    “What shitty nickname does my combination make?” I ask him.
    “If your name was Wayne, you might have a problem, but Will does nothing for us. Will Scott. It just makes you sound more like my brother. That’s it and that’s all.”
    “Yeah, you’ve thought this through, haven’t you?”
    “Little bit, yeah.”
    “What do you think?”
    “I would welcome you into my family,” he says, obviously smiling. “I’d love for you to have my last name. I know Mom would love it, too.”
    “Mom would blow a l–”
    “You’ve got to find a new phrase. You’ve got a Master’s Degree , Will. Talk like it.”
    “Our materfamilias would be exultant if I carried the same surname she does.”
    “Digging up the Latin… nice,” he says.
    “I know how to please you.”
    “So? You need some time to think about it? I mean, I get it. It’s a whole new identity… people already know you as Will Rosser. You’ve made a name for yourself. It’s up to you. I won’t be hurt or offended. I just thought, since we’re starting the process with Mascot, you know…”
    I laugh again. “What would the process be for me?”
    “You fill out some paperwork online, petition the courts, pay sixty-five bucks, and put an ad in the paper. Done. I’ll even cover the cost, if you want to do it.”
    “Yeah, let me think about it. But send me the link, if you have it. I’ll let you know.”
    “Okay. And Will?”
    “Please don’t let what happened the last few months influence your decision. I was stupid. I’m here for you. Anything for my brothers. You said it. You live by it. I’m gonna live by it, too. Anything. I mean it. No matter what.”
    “‘kay,” I answer him.
    “Okay. One last thing. Looks like you have a three week break in November. Are you coming home for Thanksgiving?”
    “Oh, no. That’s a writing and recording thing in LA. We aren’t going home.”
    “Oh,” he says, sounding disappointed. “No breaks?”
    “We get a few days off around Christmas, and we have some gigs up there right after.”
    “Okay, then. I know Max already misses you.”
    “I miss him, too.”
    “As for me, I have a trip planned to San Diego the same time you’re there, so I’ll see you a couple weeks before then. I’ve

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