Love Unfortunate
collected broken companions.
    Cristophe bowed his head and wept, knowing there was nothing he could do to mend the tragedy he had helped create.
    "How long are you going to keep doing this, Liana?" he whispered hoarsely. "When will you stop this madness?"
    The only answer the desolate vampire received came from the tower in the form of echoes.
    Mournful echoes of his sister’s grief and their victim’s unnatural slumber.

    Hours passed before Liana let out a final, watery sigh. She rubbed her cheek against Cristophe’s damp coat. "Laurent hates me."
    "I know. He hates us both. This is why—"
    "But it won’t stop me from trying again," she interrupted violently, knowing exactly what her brother was going to say—what he always said. "Everything at this manor is just how it was then. The Shapeshifters I hire ensure that even the people look exactly the same. It’s all perfect…so why do I keep failing?"
    "Because HE doesn't want this, Liana. That's why. What you're doing to him is cruel and wrong, don't you see?"
    "Everything's perfect," she murmured as if she never heard him speak. "Everything's perfect except for me."
    Cristophe tightened his arms. Pity and helplessness scarred his ethereal beauty. "Liana, how long will you fight this losing battle? Eight centuries have already passed! How many times will I find you like this?"
    "As long as I exist. I’ll never stop until I get him back."
    Slender fingers ran through her hair with long, soothing strokes. "And if it doesn’t happen?"
    "It will! Laurent is mine, Cristophe. I will cure his madness. I’ll cure it and no one will take him away before then."
    "Even the End of Days?"
    Liana pulled away, chilled by what she had been racing against frantically. "That’s why you’re here, isn't it? After all, I haven’t seen you since Vietnam. Why else now?"
    "Because our nature calls." While a beautiful smile teased the corners of Cristophe’s full mouth, his eyes reflected terrible sadness. "War is coming, Liana. Iraq has just invaded Kuwait."
    She held his gaze for several moments before shrugging. "I care not."
    "So you won’t come."
    "No." Liana stood up. "I’m needed here. Any one of a hundred gods can take my place and provide you with an opponent."
    "I don’t do it for sport." Cristophe’s fiery tone belied his negligent posture. "So don’t you dare insinuate that I enjoy this anymore than you do."
    Liana began her trip down the tower stairs, steps weary but sure. "I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just not used to real conversation."
    "You say it so matter-of-factly. This is madness, Liana!" Cristophe kept close to her heels. "What happened at the beginning cannot be taken back. Neither you nor your ridiculously overpaid scientists can erase the past."
    "I know! Don't you think I know that! Those who can change time won't come here no matter how much I offer them so this is the only way left to me!"
    "They won't come because this is something that can't be erased, Liana."
    "I’m not trying to erase it. I’m just trying to fix it."
    "By replaying the same tape over and over again?" They reached the last step. Cristophe's tired whisper pleaded in favor of the inevitable. "You spend exactly twenty days in this tower. You’ve never made it to twenty-one, Liana."
    "I’m very aware of that fact, Cristophe." Liana waited for him to say his peace before exiting. It was a trial of patience but she owed him this much.
    "It won't change. This madness won't stop until you free him."
    "No!" Liana whirled around and pushed against his chest. "I will never free him. Laurent belongs to me. Don't ever suggest it again!"
    Cristophe grasped her violent hands with gentle pressure. "He loved you, Liana, but what you're doing is eroding every bit of that away. Can't you see?"
    "No, he loves me. I love him. Nothing will change it." She stated the words with the calmness of someone too maddened to see anything else.

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