Love Through Pain

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Book: Love Through Pain by Ancelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ancelli
it is you do.” He exited the bathroom, and then yelled , “we’re getting your dependent ID tomorrow.”
    The next evening, Javier knocked on her door with a children’s book in his hand.
    “Come in !”
    He pushed the bedroom door open ; Jazmine was on the bed with her laptop, and papers were scattered all over the mattress. She had a pencil in her hand, writing on one of the documents, and a pen tangled in her hair.
    The small squared glasses almost slid off her nose when she looked up. She pushed them back up with her index finger.
    “I thought I could start reading to the baby tonight .” He strolled into her room and sat on the edge of the messy bed.
    “Okay, go ahead .” Jazmine moved the laptop to the side and rearranged her documents.
    He stared at her , a little confused. “I need to read to your stomach, and you’re smashing him right now.” Javier pointed at her belly.
    Jazmine leaned up . Chuckling, “Okay, let me pick up this mess.” Jazmine took off her glasses and started picking up the papers and putting them in her blinder. She picked up a list, a few twenty-dollar bills, and tried to hand it to him. “Here, this is my grocery list.”
    He took the paper from her and placed it in the book. She stared at him.
    “Take the money,” her voice stern.
    Jazmine placed the bills on the night table, pushed herself back against the headboard, and picked up her iPad. “Go ahead have fun.”
    Javier moved up, lying next to her, and then opened the book in his hand. He watched her stomach as she held up the gadget; reading—he guessed—her reports.
    He started reading , “Three Little Pigs.” Jazmine did a funny snort-laugh.
    Her amusement was a breath of fresh air. He smiled. “What’s wrong with the book?”
    “Nothing, it’s just a bit overrated,” she chuckled, glancing at the cover.
    “Whatever .” He arched an eyebrow, opening the book. “This is the new version.” Javier started reading. “In a land far, far away lived three little pigs named; Porky, Chubby, and Silly…”
    Jazmine covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide her hilarity , and placed the IPad down.
    His brows met . “What now?”
    “That’s not how the story starts .” She grabbed the book from him.  “2011 version, really?”
    He gaped at her ; she had a damn smirk on her luscious lips. “You’re making this more awkward.”
    “I’m sorry .” She took his hand in hers and placed it on her stomach. “Just start by talking to him, maybe in Spanish.”
    He stared at his hands under hers . Their complexions seemed erotic; she was the color of mocha, and he was a deep tan. “I don’t think you want me to speak to him in Spanish.”
    “Why not?” She looked at him , surprised. “It will be good for him.”
    “I’m not that fluent.”
    “What?” She raised her voice. “You told me you would give me classes.”
    He chuckled now . “I can teach him Spanglish. I understand, but I can’t hold a full conversation.”
    “Oh I see, one of those Puerto Ricans.” She smiled.
    “What do you mean—one those Puerto Ricans?” Javier backed away.
    Jazmine smirked. “I mean that I don’t speak Spanish; I thought your parents taught you.”
    “My mom tried, but it didn’t work out like she intended .” He was about to get off her bed, feeling a little bit hurt.
    “Where are you going? You haven’t finished reading the book. I promise I won’t interrupt you again.” Jazmine handed him the book, and then settled comfortably into the pillows.
    He leaned down to her belly and began reading where he left off.
    Fifteen minutes later, he closed the book and glanced up at Jazmine. She was fast asleep. He pushed himself off the bed and covered her with the blanket. “Good night.” He walked over to the door and turned off the light, closing the door.

Chapter Ten
    Jazmine heard someone mumbling words she couldn’t understand.

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