Love Struck

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Book: Love Struck by Amber Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Garza
definitely ask him about it.
    "Then I have no idea what I'll do. Music is the only thing I'm good at."
    "That's not true." I stret ch out my leg, and nudge him with my foot. "You arrange a mean picnic."
    "Yeah, if only that were a career."
    "It is," I banter back. "It's called catering."
    "Oh yeah, that sounds right up my alley."
    I laugh, but when the reality hits me my insides coil. Yeah, I can just see how well this conversation would go with my parents. "When will you graduate?"
    "This Spring, actually. I'm in my last year."
    "You must be so excited." It's not like he went away to college. He stayed in his home town so school is just school to him. Not an adventure like it is for Star and me.
    "Not really. Finishing school means that I'm going to have to pay off my student loans, and I won't get financial aid anymore. So really, once I finish school I'm going to have to be a grown up. Not exactly looking forward to that." He pauses. "What about you? What are you majoring in?"
    I shrug. "Not sure. Right now I'm just focusing on general -ed. I know I have to pick a major, but it's so hard. I don't know what my thing is. I'm not lucky enough to have found my passion like you did."
    "C'mon, there's got to be something you like to do."
    "I like to boss people around," I say with a light chuckle under my words. A cool breeze tickles my arms, and I shudder.
    "That's a start. It's the makings of a good boss, right?"
    Is this guy for real? Like I can really make a career out of the fact that I'm a control freak? "Yeah, I suppose so."
    "What's it like being so far from home, Lola?" Ryker reaches for the hand in my lap, the one not holding the giant burrito.
    His fingers mesh with mine, and I smile. "It's kind of nice actually. Freeing." I look up at him. "Did you ever think of leaving Seattle?"
    "Nah. I can't leave my mom. She needs me."
    His eyes light up whenever he talks about his mom. I seriously f ound the last good guy left on the planet. I'm sure of it. "But what about if you make it big? Won't you have to leave her then?"
    "I'll deal with that when the time comes." He studies my fingers, lazily stroking the inside of my palm with his thumb. "But there's no reason to leave her prematurely."
    While I sit under this tree with Ryker's fingers exploring my palm, I think about how Ryker doesn't fit into the carefully constructed plan I have for my life. I may have never been able to figure out what I want to do for a career, but I always knew what kind of guy I'd end up with. A guy with big aspirations and a lot of schooling - a doctor, lawyer, or dentist or something. Someone with a lot of money who could give me the kind of life I'd grown accustomed to. A guy my parents would approve of. However, in this moment I don't care if Ryker doesn't fit into the plan. In fact, I think I'd be okay with changing the plan to make sure he fits in it. Because right now, I can't imagine a plan that doesn't involve him.

    "You sure you're okay with this, Lola?" I curl my hands around Lola's tiny waist and pull her to me. My fingers slide through the little loops in the side of her impossibly short skirt. We're in her dorm room. Star's gone, but we don't have time to take advantage of it. We have to get back to my place for the party Pierce and I are having. It was Pierce’s idea. I’m still not sure it’s a good idea, so a part of me is hoping Lola won’t want to go. However, so far she’s been more excited than anyone.
    "Okay with it? It's my first college party. It's going to be epic."
    "Epic, huh?" I sigh. "I think you're overestimating Pierce’s and my ability to throw a party. It's going to be a bunch of guys and a keg of beer. Not exactly the lavish parties you probably had back home."
    She gives me an exasperated look, her hands fluttering over my chest. "How much time do you have to spend with me before you realize that I don't need that? I left California to get a little break from the

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