Love on Assignment

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Book: Love on Assignment by Cara Lynn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Lynn James
Tags: Ebook, book
chandeliers and candles in tall silver holders. Throughout the meal, the children laughed and teased her. The red-faced Professor Wilmont tried to quiet them, but he failed to curb their high spirits and good-natured jibes. They were simply kids having fun at her expense, but Charlotte had to keep reminding herself of that.
    Chef Jacques worked a culinary miracle. Clearly it was concocted from leftovers, but it was the best meal Charlotte had ever tasted. She ate a small portion of tender beef bathed in rich onion gravy, but the shock of destroying dinner had robbed her of her normally robust appetite. A Parker House roll sunk to the bottom of her stomach and she couldn’t swallow another bite.
    She’d destroyed tonight’s supper. Would she fail at her other duties as well?
    The professor leaned back in his chair and tilted his head. Early evening sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains behind him and streaked his light hair to pure gold. “Don’t look so upset, Miss Hale. Our meal turned out fine.”
    His cheerful manner brought sunshine to her anxious heart. “No thanks to me, I’m afraid. But I’m grateful for your tolerance. I promise you I’ll be much better at taking care of the children than at cooking.”
    â€œThat’s all I ask,” he said, lifting a silver forkful of blackberry pie.
    Still, she wondered if she were up to all her duties. The professor was compassionate, but would his mother be as understanding? Ladies tended to expect more from the help. Charlotte pushed that disturbing question out of her mind; with any luck she’d return to the newspaper long before Mrs. Wilmont came home from the hospital.
    After dessert, the professor excused Ruthie and Tim to retreat to the veranda for a game of checkers.
    â€œMiss Hale, you should have told me you were uncomfortable in the kitchen.” The professor’s words carried more censure than his voice, but his tone held an earnest appeal she couldn’t ignore.
    Her voice trembled. “I—I was afraid you’d dismiss me if I wouldn’t pitch in.” Heat spread from her tightly collared neck up to her cheeks. “And I wanted to please you. I apologize, sir. I thought I could manage well enough even though I seldom cook at home. Actually, I never cook at home. My Aunt Amelia prepares all our meals.” She lowered her eyes and hoped the flames in her cheeks would quickly fade. “I never darken the kitchen except to eat.” Be quiet, Charlotte. You’re making a fool of yourself .
    He didn’t crack a smile. “You should have explained your inexperience. I would’ve understood.”
    â€œYou’re right, of course. But I truly wanted to help.”
    She held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions.
    â€œI appreciate your good intentions and all your hard work.”
    â€œBut not my cooking.” She tossed him a shy smile as she rose and began to carry the dishes to the dumbwaiter.
    â€œThat’s not necessary. The footman will clear the table.”
    She put her hands on the back of a chair. “I’m very grateful for your understanding. I took on more than I could handle.”
    He steadied his gaze. “Always be honest with me, Miss Hale. Please. I value the truth and I cannot abide lying.”
    â€œI understand.” She averted his appraising stare. This assignment was becoming more complicated than she’d anticipated. What terrible fury she’d provoke if he learned of her underhanded work.
    His smile broke the tension. “You look frightened to death. Don’t give your dinner attempt another thought. And please don’t cry. I don’t handle tears well at all.”
    Charlotte giggled nervously before her trembling lips slowly curled in a tentative smile. “I promise you, sir, I never cry in public.” Well, she’d shed a few tears in the kitchen, but perhaps he hadn’t

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