Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5

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Book: Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5 by Kathy-Jo Reinhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart
Tags: Fiction
sit by and wait for her to die. My jaw is sore, a result of my teeth grinding together as I hold all these feelings inside. I want to break down and let all the emotions I’m feeling out, but I can’t. I won’t. The one thing I can do for her is be strong. I’ll be the rock she needs to get through this. I’ll allow her to break down when she needs to, and I can pick her up and dust her off—at least I’ll be good for something.
    “I’m sorry, sweetness. I can’t bear the thought of being without you. If I could switch places with you, I would in a heartbeat. I’m supposed to be able to make everything better for you and I can’t, and it’s tearing me up inside. I want to protect you and keep you safe, but my hands are tied,” I confess. She pulls away so she can look into my eyes.
    “I know, baby. You can do something to make this better for me, though,” she says. I look at her with curiosity. What could I possibly do? A small, sad smile plays on her lips. “Love me. That’s all I need from you. It’s all I’ve ever needed. Your love makes everything better.” Loving her comes as easy to me as breathing. I will never stop loving her, not even when I take my last breath.
    “That is something I can definitely do,” I tell her. Holding her face in my hands, I slowly press my lips to hers. I kiss her tenderly, trying to convey just how much I love her. The kiss deepens and a soft moan escapes her. I wish I could stop time and make this kiss last forever. I know I can’t, so instead, I try to burn her taste, her feel, and her sounds into my memory so I can play it back when I’m alone.

    M arcus and I just left the oncologist’s office. As I suspected, he gave us the same grim news Dr. Bryant did. For the last hour that we’ve been driving, neither of us has spoken a single word. Even though there’s so much that needs to be discussed, Marcus keeps coming up with excuses not to. I’ve been trying to talk to him about how and when to tell Chase. He’s beginning to suspect something’s up with us. The other day, I was once again trying to talk to Marcus about the arrangements that need to be made for my funeral and our tones got heated, which is something that has rarely happened in Chase’s six years.
    When we got a little loud, he came running from his bedroom with his plastic container of Legos. Marcus and I were standing toe to toe in the living room. Chase slid the Legos right in between us and looked up with a nervous expression on his face. “I think it’s time to build something. You both are happy when we build stuff as a family.” His head turns from me to Marcus and back again, his eyes pleading. Of course, Marcus saw this as an opportunity to get out of the discussion we seriously needed to have, and I wasn’t about to stress poor Chase any more than he already was, so I caved. The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon building with Legos.
    Marcus’ voice breaks me from my thoughts. “What are you thinking about so hard, sweetness?” he questions. I love this man with all my heart, but sometimes I’d like to smack him in the face with a chair. He’s still sticking his fucking head in the sand like this will all go away if he ignores it.
    “I’m thinking it’s time to have a talk with Chase. I don’t want to wait until I start having symptoms.” Marcus glances over at me, giving me the look that says he doesn’t agree with me. I’ve been seeing that look a lot lately. “Marcus...he needs to know what’s going on.” Slowly, he shakes his head, and anger bubbles up within me. I’ve never been one to lose my temper, but lately, it’s all I seem to do. I know he’s scared and angry, and I don’t blame him. I am, too. I can’t be the strong one this time. I shouldn’t have to be. I need that strong protective man he’s always been for me. I need him to hold me up and tell me everything will be okay, not the other way around. Weak is not my style, but damn

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