Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5

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Book: Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5 by Kathy-Jo Reinhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart
Tags: Fiction
so scared,” I admit. Scooting from my lap, she leans her back against the wall and I slide next to her, doing the same. We sit shoulder to shoulder in silence for a while.
    “If I do the chemo, it’s going to make me really sick, and I’m not sure I want to go through that in order to only gain a month or two without being able to enjoy them.” I want to tell her if she wants to forego the chemo, then that’s what she should do. I want to tell her this is her choice, but I can’t. If there is even a chance this could work, that the chemo could save her, I’ll be selfish.
    “I need every extra second I can get with you. Please, sweetness. What if it actually works?” Miracles happen all the time, and she could be that miracle, but we’d never know without trying it. Her face falls. The disappointment she’s feeling right now is evident on her face. She thought I’d be the man I should be and not ask her to do this, but I’m not. The thought of doing nothing makes my stomach twist. How can she expect me to sit by and watch her slowly die? We need to do everything we can to keep her here with us, no matter what.
    “Marcus, you need to understand that I am going to die. Nothing is going to make this cancer go away,” she states, her tone forceful. “I know you want to believe that some miracle will occur, but it’s not going to happen.” Her words cause my blood to boil.
    “Do you care about Chase and me at all?” I snap, and instantly regret my choice of words. Her face begins to morph from sad to angry. One minute, she looks like a lost little puppy, and the next, a furious beast. Her nostrils flare as fury flashes over her face. Quickly, she stands up and walks across the room to the last glass vase left. Picking it up, she hurls it in my direction. Shocked by her actions, I barely get out of the way before the vase slams against the wall right next to my head, shattering, the pieces raining down over me and the floor.
    Big ugly tears begin to roll down her cheeks. I stand and take a step toward her, but she holds her hand up. “You son of a bitch!” she screams. “How can you even think that, let alone say it out loud? I don’t want to take the chemo because I’d rather spend as much time as I can with you both without being weak and puking every second. I want to keep things as normal as possible for as long as possible.” She inhales deep, trying to rein in her emotions.
    “But what if the chemo makes it go away? Isn’t it worth trying for us? We need you.” I run my hands through my hair in frustration. Slowly, she walks closer to me, stopping a few feet away. Her eyes plead with me to hear her, but I don’t want to hear her if all she’s going to say is she’s giving up. When did she become so weak?
    “Marcus, you were with me in the doctor’s office. This. Is. Not. Going. Away. You need to come to terms with that. I am dying. I don’t want to leave you and Chase. Knowing I’ll be leaving you both breaks me. That’s why I want whatever time we have left together to be happy. I want to make memories that y’all can hold onto when I’m gone. I don’t want those memories to be of me being sick from chemo.” Her eyes fill with tears and I close the space between us, taking her in my arms. “Please tell me you understand. If there were any chance of beating this, I’d be fighting with everything I have.” She buries her face in my chest, wraps her arms around my waist, and holds on so tight, it hurts. Like if she lets go, she’ll be lost forever, but she will be lost forever soon, and there is not a fucking thing I can do about it.
    Helpless is not a feeling I do well. I’m the man. The husband. I should be protecting her from all the bad. This is not something I can protect her from and it’s driving me mad. Just the thought of her dying causes me crippling pain. Deep down, I know she’d fight if there were a chance, it’s just so hard to know there’s nothing we can do but

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