it look too casual. Without the belt, the dress just hangs funny.
“That sounds like a fun day, I’ll call Kathy Rose to see if she has plans for tomorrow afternoon. That will give me some time with her.” She wanders off to make plans with my mom.
I hurry back into the bathroom to get my hair dry and finish applying my makeup. I do a light smoky look tonight because I love how the color makes my mossy green eyes pop. I don’t want the shadow too dark though, so I add another swish of mascara. The rest of my makeup is subdued. I want to look classy, not trampy. It’s all about the image you portray.
I look at my phone, still nothing back from Hendrix. I check to make certain my text went through. Yep and it has been read, too. I throw my phone back on my bed. Since I probably don’t have time to straighten my hair, I throw it up in a messy bun. Lizzie thinks having my hair up makes me look more sophisticated. It does look good up this way, even if I do say so myself.
I am contemplating shoes when I hear the doorbell. Please tell me that isn’t Hendrix. I put on my boots. I step back and look at myself in the full-length mirror. The boots really do look best with the dress and belt. I put on some chunky bracelets to keep the accessories simple. I hear Granny calling my name. Earrings. I need earrings with my hair up like this. I hear a knock at my door. “Come in.”
Granny comes in. “That pretty boy is here to pick you up, I’ll tell him you need a couple of minutes.”
Granny can hardly contain her laughter. She has been around Lizzie way too much if she is picking up on this name calling business. “Hey, watch it or it will be the old folks’ home for you.” I wink at her.
Her laughter bounces around the room as she closes the door behind her. I can hear her back in the kitchen now talking to Hendrix. I take one last look in the mirror and grab my purse.
“It’s in a couple of weeks, right out here in our own backyard. We do this every year, it’s just one huge picnic,” Granny says.
No, please tell me she is not inviting Hendrix to the family reunion. No, no, no. I round the corner, putting a smile on my face as Hendrix answers Granny.
“That sounds nice. I will check my schedule and let Bailey know if I can make it.”
His eyebrows are lowered like he’s frowning, but his lips are curved up, at least on one side. He gives a smug half laugh.
“Bailey, there you are, don’t you look pretty, honey.” Granny tilts her head.
She gives me a gentle smile, and I look over at Hendrix dressed in dress pants and a jacket. He looks so classy. I feel like a country bumpkin. The very thing I have been trying to get away from over the last couple of years. His hair is the perfect shade of sandy brown, and he wears it short. The front is gelled so it stands up just a little. He is what I think of when someone mentions Prince Charming. His eyes are the color of caramel, and a hint of green is always in his eyes when he looks at me. I love being wanted by him, like he needs me. But that’s not the case tonight. He looks repulsed.
“You aren’t dressed yet?” he exhales and runs a hand across his mouth as he rocks back on his feet.
“I’m ready, or at least I thought I was ready.” I look at my feet. I glance at Granny and her face has gone full on hellfire and brimstone. I feel really queasy. Like I’m going to be sick. I need to get Hendrix out of here before Granny does something I will regret. She looks all sweet and innocent, until you do or say something about one of her kids then all bets are off.
“At least change your shoes, Bailey. We are going to the club not the rodeo.”
I grab his hand, pulling him with me to go change my shoes. I bite my lip a little hoping it looks as sexy on me as the authors make it sound in the books. I probably need to practice in the mirror some more because based on his pissed off look it doesn’t appear to be working.
“I have some sandals, will that
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