Love Me Like A Rock
until Austin forgot about the bears and yawned so hard his jaw cracked. Sean made him strip down to his undies, claiming Austin’s sleeping bag would heat up faster if he was mostly naked, which Austin took for a ploy to get the sexytimes going, which woke him right up again.
    But no. Sean kissed him on the forehead and lay down next to him, like he was going to sleep. Sleep, when there were bears—which stopping kissing let him remember again—and a mostly naked Austin to distract him.
    “There are boulders under me. Boulders.” He squirmed, searching for a spot on the skinny little mat beneath his sleeping bag. Then he shrieked—just a little and not at all like a girl—as his sleeping bag and he were yanked across the slick fabric of the tent floor.
    Zzzzzip. Zzzzzip.
    The hiss of zippers being stripped open sounded loud in the tent.
    “Oh my God, you are such a whiner. C’mere, princess.” Sean sighed and pulled Austin bodily on top of him, until they were pressed together from shoulder to ankle, then tugged at Austin’s sleeping bag until it was draped precariously on top of them.
    Austin immediately felt guilty, even as he tucked his head under Sean’s chin and settled in. “You can’t sleep like this.”
    “You’re more than welcome to wear me out a little first, you know. In the interests of helping me sleep.” The low buzz of Sean’s voice wrapped Austin up like a blanket, rumbling in his ear and vibrating through the bones of Sean’s chest beneath Austin’s cheek.
    Which was just what Austin had been hoping Sean would suggest. He didn’t know why he was holding back from doing the suggesting himself. Something about being the new guy, probably, although most of the time he was the last one to worry about whether or not someone else approved of him. That was certainly how he’d ended up getting busted blowing that twink in the boathouse freshman year.
    But maybe because these guys were Sean’s friends—more than friends, actually, since they were peers in the geology department, and probably colleagues down the road who’d be competing for internships and jobs—he’d been reluctant to make a move, in case this wasn’t that kind of party.
    “Yeah? You don’t mind?” he asked slyly, reaching between them to push Sean’s sweatpants down past his already hard dick. “Because I get hyperfocused when I’m a little high. And really, really oral.”
    He was pretty sure Sean’s grunt wasn’t just because Austin had accidentally elbowed him in the stomach while sliding down low in the sleeping bag, which was basically just a mat spread out beneath them now, as his own bag slid off his shoulders.
    “Shit, yes. I mean, no. I don’t—ahh—” Sean’s voice cut off with a sharp inhale as Austin slid his mouth over the tip of his dick.
    Going deep could wait. Austin wanted to taste. Sweet and metallic and smoky with that burned-wood smell that soaked through your clothes after six hours around a campfire, flavors exploded in his mouth and he hummed in happiness until Sean’s fingers clutched his hair.
    “Jesus, Austin.”
    He swiped his tongue around the head and then slipped his lips back down to clamp right beneath the ridge that defined it, sucking on the tip like it was a Popsicle and he didn’t want to drip on the sidewalk.
    He scraped the edge of his blunt nails against the tight, wrinkled skin of Sean’s balls, pulled up tight against the base of his oh so sensitive dick, until a muffled groan ripped out and he looked up to see Sean with his wrist shoved in his mouth.
    Screw those other guys. Like they wouldn’t be banging their girlfriends if they’d been smart enough to bring them.
    Austin tugged Sean’s hand down.
    “I wanna hear,” he muttered, and sucked a mark onto the inside of one thigh before turning his attention back to Sean’s cock in his mouth.
    “Austin. Austin. Austin.” Sharp tugs on his hair. The words had been background noise, but the tight bursts of pain

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