Love & Light

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Book: Love & Light by Michele Shriver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Shriver
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    “The best way to thank me is by doing what I tell you. The next time I talk to you, I want to hear about a date. Got that?”
    “Got it,” I say. We talk for a few more minutes about the weather, my brother and my little cousin, and by the time I hang up, I feel better. My aunt is right about what my mom would want and what I need to do. The next time Landon asks me out, I’m going to say yes. It’s time to start living again.

    T here’s no baseball game this weekend since the team played on Thursday afternoon, but there is practice. Funny how I know these things now. The games, the practice schedule, all of it. I haven’t told Landon if I’ll be at practice, but it’s usually kind of understood by now. I’m sure by showing up for practice all the time now, I’ve probably created the impression that I am dating Landon. All the more reason to take that next step, right?
    Today’s a nice, sunny late-March day, and it feels great to be outside. There are more people in the bleachers today, and I wonder if that’s because it’s the weekend, or the nice weather and the fact that the ream is winning. Either way, I’m not the only one here.
    The pitchers are doing some drills and I spot Landon right away, but he’s so engrossed in what he’s doing he doesn’t glance over this way. I open the bottle of green tea I brought with me and settle in to watch.
    I’m there about twenty minutes when someone else comes and sits down beside me. It’s that Amanda girl, the one who draped herself all over Landon a few weeks ago and wouldn’t even glance in my direction when he introduced us. The one he insisted wasn’t his girlfriend, and now she’s here.
    “Hi,” she says with a smile that seems fake.
    So now she wants to talk to me? Yeah, right. “Hi.”
    “It’s Kori, right?”
    I nod. “Uh huh.” I still don’t know why she’s suddenly interested in talking to me, so she better not expect much from the conversation.
    “I bet you’re here watching Landon practice,” she says.
    “Yes. I’ve been coming for a couple weeks. I’ve never seen you here before.”
    “Oh, you know. So much going on this semester,” Amanda says. “I rushed Delta Zeta and I got in.”
    “That’s nice.” Does she think I care?
    “Anyway, Landon says you’ve been watching his practices and that you even went to a game. I know he’s trying to be your friend, since you’re sick and all.” She looks at me with pity, and I glare at her in return.
    “I’m not sick.”
    “Sure, whatever.” She waves a hand around as if she doesn’t believe me. “I think it’s so sweet of Landon, though, to try to be your friend.”
    Try, as if I’m just a charity case. Exactly what I don’t want to be. “Yes, he’s very nice,” I say, although if what Amanda’s telling me is true, that’s not the case at all. “So are you two seeing each other?” I ask. “Because he said you’re not.”
    “Oh, you know. On again, off again.” There’s the hand wave again. “He’s busy, I’m busy.” She leans closer to me, as if she’s about to share a special secret. “Definitely on again, though, after Friday night. If you get my drift.”
    I get it. I definitely get it. I was too scared and stupid to accept Landon’s invitation, so he hooked up with Amanda. I guess he didn’t want to wait. That’s assuming he was ever interested in me in the first place. “Good for you, then. Congratulations.” I stand up to leave. “Tell Landon I said hi, but I had to leave. If he cares.”
    I can practically feel her gloating as I walk away, but it’s Landon who calls after me.
    “Kori, wait. Where are you going?”
    I turn around to face him. His hair is damp and sweaty from practice, and if it’s possible, he looks even cuter that way, and I hate that I’m thinking that, especially now. “I have to go. Didn’t Amanda tell you?”
    “Amanda? She’s here?” he turns around to look at the

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