Love Lies Dying

Read Online Love Lies Dying by Steve Gerlach - Free Book Online

Book: Love Lies Dying by Steve Gerlach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Gerlach
tried to think of other things. Tried to think about what kind of searches Helen would be doing at the hospital.
    She had her mouth around my cock , he thought.
    He grew harder still.
    She was so hot and wet and so good.
    “Didn’t you like it? Isn’t it nice to wake up to that warm, lovely feeling?” she had asked.
    Boy, it sure was, he thought to himself and smiled.
    He turned over in the bed and tried to get some sleep. He tried to clear his mind of images of Zoe naked, her legs apart, sitting on his sofa, showing him the shaved folds of her sex.
    “Have you ever thought about having an affair?” she had asked him. “I mean, you must have right? Who hasn’t thought about it?”
    He shook his head.
    Come on John, he thought to himself. Get a hold on the situation. You’re married! You love someone else! Get her out of your mind.
    John turned over onto his other side and punched at the pillow. He didn’t know how he was going to get any sleep with images of Zoe in his mind.
    Naked, tanned and willing.
    He closed his eyes tighter and wondered if Zoe was having as much trouble falling to sleep as he was.
    “Shit,” John mumbled to himself. “She’s going to kill me.”
    Long hallway.
    No, not a hallway.
    A door.
    A door a long way away.
    But getting closer.
    No, I can’t run.
    I’m not running.
    Am I flying?
    Yes, I’m flying towards the door!
    It’s getting closer.
    Bright light on the other side.
    I hear songs.
    No, it’s screaming.
    They’re all around me.
    The door is coming closer.
    Too close.
    Too fast!
    I must stop!
    Too fast!
    The light!
    Too bright!
    Quiet now, and dark.
    No laughter and no light.
    Something’s behind me.
    I can hear it running. It’s getting closer.
    I can’t see it but it’s getting closer.
    I’ve got to run, run while I can.
    But I’m stuck! My legs won’t move! I can’t run.
    Over there, I see them. I can see the hands over there, reaching for me.
    HELP ME!
    I’m trying to get there.
    I can hear the footsteps behind me.
    There’s no one there but I know they’re getting closer.
    I’m stretching, stretching for the hands. Help me.
    Help me move closer, stretch closer.
    It’s raining now, raining all around.
    The rain hurts. The rain goes straight through me.
    The rain is tearing me apart!
    Laughter again, I can hear it all around me.
    The rain is eating through my flesh.
    The pain!
    Stretch hands, stretch out and help me!
    Fingers stretch.
    The footsteps are closer.
    Help me escape!
    Yes, yes!
    I have reached the hands. Hands, pull me to safety!
    Pull me to safety now!
    That’s it. I’m moving now. The footsteps won’t be able to catch me.
    Hands, pull me to safety.
    Pull me into the arms of the one I now love.

    John rolled over and reached out for Helen, but he only found the side of the bed.
    He opened one eye and squinted into the sunlight.
    The spare bedroom. The single bed.
    And then he remembered all about last night.
    He closed his eye when he stretched and rolled onto his back, letting a yawn escape him. As he moved his legs he heard the jiggling of crockery.
    “Careful, you’ll spill it all.”
    He waited a second, unsure if he had really heard the voice. Opening both eyes, he sat, lifted his head and stared down at the end of the bed.
    Zoe was sitting there, smiling back at him. She wore his blue bathrobe and, from what he could tell, nothing underneath. The robe was tied loosely around her waist, allowing the sunlight to shine on the top-most part of her chest. She was sitting with one leg folded in front of her on the bed and the other stretched to the floor, holding her steady. He could see her bare thighs and he knew if she moved too far one way or the other he would probably see much more.
    Her hair was in two shoulder length braids, one down each side of her face. He’d never seen a grown woman wear her hair that way, it was usually only little girls who did,

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