Love Immortal

Read Online Love Immortal by Linnea Hall - Free Book Online

Book: Love Immortal by Linnea Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linnea Hall
Tags: Urban Fantasy, Twilight, Contemporary Fantasy
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his head he looked up, trying to
focus, and saw a fireman trying to pry the car door open.
    He remembered the fireman yelling into his
car, trying to get his attention. Edgar tried to respond, but the
world quickly swam out of focus and he lost consciousness

Chapter 10
    Jewell found it difficult to concentrate on
assigned tasks, and had difficulty remembering the simplest things.
She was relieved that she wasn’t assigned to triage. Even though
she thought her training would kick in during an emergency, she
couldn’t be certain, and she didn’t want to test her theory when
someone’s life was at risk.
    Jewell was in a room with a worried mother
and her sick toddler taking a history. It didn’t seem serious,
probably strep or a bad cold. She never told the patients what she
thought, it wasn’t her place to diagnose illness, but she did
reassure the mother with a kind smile, and reassuring pat to her
    As Jewell walked out of the examination area,
she heard a commotion as a stretcher was unloaded from an
ambulance. She stood against the wall while a man was whisked past
her into a room. He didn’t look good, but his injuries didn’t look
too serious. He was conscious, his eyes darting between the people
surrounding him. As he passed her, his eyes found hers. His stare
made her uncomfortable. She tried to look away, but was unable to
until a paramedic stepped in front of her, breaking the line of
sight. Something about that man sent a shiver down her spine making
the hairs on the back of her neck prickle.
    Jewell walked toward the nurses’ station to
record her notes on the toddler she had just seen. As she walked,
she looked back toward the man. Even though she couldn’t see him
anymore, her stomach tightened at the thought of being in the same
room with him. She hoped she wouldn’t be asked to help in his
    At the nurses’ station, Madelyn was sitting
at one of the computers typing in notes. Maddie was always a wealth
of information. She kept her ears open and never missed a detail.
The problem was that she was usually anxious to share those details
with anyone who would listen.
    “What do you know about the guy who just came
in?” Jewell asked Maddie in the most casual tone she could muster.
Jewell was still a little creeped out by that man’s stare
    Maddie grinned and her eyes lit at the
opportunity to share some gossip. “Well,” she started, as if the
information was so juicy it was just oozing out of her, “it was a
one car MVA; the idiot spilled coffee in his lap and drove off the
road. What a schmuck!”
    Jewell sighed; Maddie could be a bit
judgmental as well. Jewell didn’t dislike Maddie, but sometimes,
Jewell found her a bit irritating. Jewell gave her a slight nod and
forced a bit of a smile in appreciation for the information.
    “They’ll probably just keep him overnight for
observation because he has a concussion, and then send him home in
the morning. Idiot! Coffee! Can you believe it? What a moron!”
    Jewell looked at her notes as she rolled her
eyes, shut her folder and stood up. She smiled, “Thanks Maddie.
I’ll probably see you later.”
    “Sure Jewell, see you around.” Jewell heard
Maddie giggle quietly to herself and mutter the word “idiot” under
her breath as Jewell walked away.
    Jewell turned her thoughts back to Collin.
She glanced at her watch and was chagrinned to see that it was only
ten o’clock. Eight hours until she could see Collin again. She knew
he was probably asleep and wished she could sleep away the next
eight hours as well. On a positive note, there was a full moon
tonight. That meant the ER would be interesting at least.
    She was right, not a dull moment from the
drunk stumbling in to let everyone know he had been poisoned, to
the man who had been bitten by an alligator while he was noodling;
a southern tradition of catching a catfish by sticking your arm
into a dark murky hole hoping to find a catfish.
    Jewell’s stomach knotted with

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