Love From the Ashes
and we made a picture of ourselves; she called it a self…self…”
    Her eyes got big and she nodded.  “Yeah; that’s it.”  She continued talking and he was engrossed in hearing her day.  “It was a lot of fun.”
    “Did you bring the picture home?”
    “Nope; we have to hang them on the walls.  Then when you go visit the school, you have to see if you can figure out which one is mine.”  That would be interesting, he thought.  He could only imagine what it would be like for a Kindergartner.  “I had a lot of fun.  We also got to play with the dolls, but there is this one kid…” her eyes grew dark, startling him.  “He is not very nice.”
    “Why?  What did he do?”
    “He kept telling us that we weren’t allowed to play with the toys.  He then pulled my hair.”
    When he heard that he had to admit he was concerned.  “He must like you.”  He turned to Kari and she giggled.  “I heard before that a boy will tease a girl when he has a crush.  It’s the only explanation.”
    Frankie looked mortified and Thomas looked at Kari.  “She’s only 5; I’m sure that has nothing to do with it.”  It was definitely not a topic he wanted to divulge in.
    “It’s true; they say men hit puberty at a younger age than women.”
    “Kari Louise Campbell, where did you ever hear about that?”
    “Oh dad, please.  I watch television.”
    He covered his mouth, so she wouldn’t see him laughing.  “Alright then, moving on.  How was your day?”
    “It was pretty good.  I really like Allison.  We have a lot in common.  Can I invite her to spend the night sometime?”
    “I think that would be wonderful idea.”  Her hopeful expression made him breathe a little bit easier.  “How do you like Ms. Parker?”  He didn’t know why he was so interested, but he felt a sense of gravitation pull to her.
    Her smile got wider.  “She is really nice.  Plus, she’s a good teacher.  You know how I don’t like Math?  Well, we had some problems today and I went to the board and was able to figure it out, with her help of course.”
    “I like her too.”  He heard Bethany p ipe in.  “It was really nice that she offered to drive us to Aunt Cassie’s.”
    “Yeah; that was nice of her.”  He couldn’t help but wonder why she was willing to help him, or his children out.
    “I think that she is going to be a great friend.”  He smiled at Kari’s eagerness.
    “Well, I’m glad that you had a good day at school.  It makes me feel a lot better about this move.”  He turned to Bethany and crossed his fingers under the table.  “I hope that it’s 3 for 3.”
    She frowned, but only for a split second.  Then her frown turned into a smile and he sighed with relief.  “Daddy, it was one of the best days I have ever had at school.”  He didn’t expect her to be so excited, but as she rattled off about each of her classes she was talking a mile a minute.  The expression he was giving her had to have been pretty funny.  When she stopped talking, she started to laugh.  “Sorry; I just really had a good day.”
    “Wow; I am pleased to hear that.  I never thought discussing classes would make you so happy.”
    She giggled.  “I have to admit, it’s not just the classes.”
    “I figured there had to be more to it.”  He replied with a chuckle.  He took in a mouthful of his ice cream.  “Go ahead; what’s the real excitement for?”
    “They have this dance at Christmas time; the boys invite the girls.  It is so grownup.  I don’t know that I can possibly wait 3 months.”  He stared at her; his mouth dropped open.  In his eyes, she would have to wait longer than that.  “What?”
    “Uh…I don’t know that I really think it’s a good idea for a 12 year old to go to a dance.”
    “What?  I’m practically a teenager.  You can’t be serious.  This girl, Heather, that I met today; she said it’s the biggest thing at the school.  They have one every

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