Love and Fire

Read Online Love and Fire by Katie Ingersoll - Free Book Online

Book: Love and Fire by Katie Ingersoll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ingersoll
looked at him and shook her head.  “I want that too, but I can’t fly to New
York whenever the mood strikes me.  I just can’t afford it.”  Her face darkened
as the reminder of her life came to mind.  “I have to find a job.” 
could come see you some too, you know.  Plus, I don’t mind paying for your
plane tickets.  I’m a big fan of frequent flyer miles.”  He grinned and tried
to wriggle his eyebrows.  The sight was such a comical disaster, that she
laughed until her stomach hurt. 
don’t try that again.  I might puke.”
okay.  I’ve just always wanted to be able to do cool things with my face.  I
can’t even arch an eyebrow.” 
you mean like this?”  Tammy said and sent her right eyebrow straight up towards
her hairline. 
crap!  You look so evil!” 
laughter heals the soul or is good for the soul, whatever the phrase was, then
we should be well on our way to perfect peace and harmony.  Tammy
thought.  She watched Jake stand and pull his shirt over his head.  She could
see him shirtless a hundred more times, and each time would be better than the
last.  At forty five he was in good shape.  She could see the faint outline of
a six pack, and the muscles in his back could still ripple with every
movement.  “Do you work out?” 
Now that’s a cheesy pick up line if I ever heard it!” 
giggled behind her hand.  “Shut up, we’re practically dating anyway; so do
shrugged and moved his hand back and forth in the “so-so” motion.  “I do, but
not regularly.  This cruise will be my down fall.  I’ve eaten more with you
than I have in six months.” 
did you do before?” 
Come on, let’s get back in the water and swim.”
ship curfew was five o’clock, and once again they barely made it.  They were
both exhausted.  Tammy’s skin held the telltale pinkness of a sunburn.  Even
Jake was slightly pink, but he knew his would just turn to tan by the next
day.  It was Tammy he was worried about.  He saw her wince as they waited for
the elevator. 
sorry, I should have thought to buy you sunscreen.” 
made a dismissive gesture with her hand.  “I’m a grown woman, Ishould
have thought of it.  Ironically, I have a bottle in my room.” 
frowned as they entered the elevator.  He had wanted tomorrow to be the most
special date so far.  It was Valentine’s Day and they were going to take port
at Philipsburg Saint Maarten.  He wanted to make it the best Valentine’s ever
for her.  He wanted to ensure that she would forever forget about Gleason
they were back at her cabin, Tammy fell onto the bed and almost immediately
fell asleep.  She didn’t even care that Jake was still in the room with her. 
He sat by the bed and watched her sleep for thirty minutes.  I’m in love
with this woman.  The thought didn’t bother him like it would have before. 
Instead it left him feeling grateful.  If she were willing, he would have a
second chance at life with a partner; he hoped a wife. 
didn’t want to leave her but there were a few preparations he needed to
solidify for Valentine’s Day.  Maxwell would be more than helpful with that. 
He left her a note and took her room card.  If she were still sleeping he could
just slip back in.  Hopefully she wouldn’t punch him later for it. 
he left her room, Jake didn’t notice the two figures stop dead in their tracks
behind him.  He whistled a choppy little tune and snickered at his own poor
whistling ability.
had put an arm in front of Christy to stop her.  Her eyes narrowed as she
watched Jake turn the corner probably heading to his own room.  Christy pushed
her arm angrily away and snorted through her nose. 
know, you said Jake Butler was perfect for me , and you were going to help
me snag him.  We’ve wasted days stalking

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