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and upset that the sun may have already
6 Those who took the Lord began
set while he was still alive; for their
pushing him about, running up to him
Scripture says that the sun must not set
and saying, “Let us drag around the Son
on one who has been killed.3 16 One of
of God, since we have authority over
them said, “Give him gall mixed with
him.” 7 They clothed him in purple and
vinegar to drink.” And they made the
sat him on a judge’s seat, saying, “Give
mixture and gave it to him to drink.
a righteous judgment, O King of Israel!”
17 Thus they brought all things to ful
8 One of them brought a crown made of
fillment and completed all their sins on
thorns and placed it on the Lord’s head.
their heads.
9 Others standing there were spitting in
his face; some slapped his cheeks; others
were beating him with a reed; and some
2Deut. 21:22–23. 3Deut. 21:22–23.
18 But many were wandering around
31 So Pilate gave them the centurion
with torches, thinking that it was night;
Petronius and soldiers to guard the tomb.
and they stumbled about. 19 And the
The elders and scribes came with them
Lord cried out, “My power, O power, you
to the crypt. 32 Everyone who was there,
have left me behind!” When he said this,
along with the centurion and the soldiers,
hea was taken up.
rolled a great stone and placed it there
20 At that time, the curtain of the Tembefore the entrance of the crypt. 33 They ple in Jerusalem was ripped in half.
smeared it with seven seals, pitched a tent
21 Then they pulled the nails from the
there, and stood guard.
Lord’s hands and placed him on the
34 Early in the morning, as the Sabground. All the ground shook and everybath dawned, a crowd came from Jeruone was terrified. 22 Then the sun shone salem and the surrounding area to see
and it was found to be three in the
the sealed crypt. 35 But during the
night on which the Lord’s day dawned,
23 But the Jews were glad and gave
while the soldiers stood guard two by
his body to Joseph that he might bury
two on their watch, a great voice came
him, since he had seen all the good things
from the sky. 36 They saw the skies
he did. 24 He took the Lord, washed him,
open and two men descend from there;
wrapped him in a linen cloth, and brought
they were very bright and drew near to
him into his own tomb, called the Garden
the tomb. 37 The stone cast before the
of Joseph. 25 Then the Jews, the elders,
entrance rolled away by itself and
and the priests realized how much evil
moved to one side; the tomb was open
they had done to themselves and began
and both young men entered.
beating their breasts, saying “Woe to us
38 When the solders saw these things,
because of our sins. The judgment and
they woke up the centurion and the el-
the end of Jerusalem are near.”
ders—for they were also there on guard.
26 But I and my companions were
39 As they were explaining what they had
grieving and went into hiding, wounded
seen, they saw three men emerge from
in heart. For we were being sought out
the tomb, two of them supporting the
by them as if we were evildoers who
other, with a cross following behind
wanted to burn the Temple. 27 Because
them. 40 The heads of the two reached
of these things we fasted and sat mournup to the sky, but the head of the one ing and weeping, night and day, until the
they were leading went up above the
skies. 41 And they heard a voice from
28 The scribes, Pharisees, and elders
the skies, “Have you preached to those
gathered together and heard all the people
who are asleep?” 42 And a reply came
murmuring and beating their breasts, sayfrom the cross, “Yes.”
ing, “If such great signs happened when
43 They then decided among themhe died, you can see how righteous he selves to go off to disclose what had
was!” 29 The elders became fearful and
happened to Pilate. 44 While they were
Sloan Storm
Sarah P. Lodge
Hilarey Johnson
Valerie King
Heath Lowrance
Alexandra Weiss
Mois Benarroch
Karen McQuestion
Martha Bourke
Mark Slouka