Lost and Found

Read Online Lost and Found by Dallas Schulze - Free Book Online

Book: Lost and Found by Dallas Schulze Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dallas Schulze
At least she wasn't afraid that he'd attack her. She wasn't quite sure what label to put on the vague fluttering in her stomach. Too much pizza, too much tension since the kidnapping—those were acceptable explanations. She didn't want to look any further.
    "Good night." Sam's voice coming out of the darkness was both unnerving and oddly reassuring.
    "Good night." She had to clear her throat to get the words out, aware that her voice was even huskier than it usually was.
    Despite the day's sleep, Babs was tired. It didn't take long for the lumpy mattress to lure her into sleep.
    Beside her, Sam lay awake, listening to her quiet breathing. The neon light outside flashed on and off, creating patterns on the wall opposite the bed. He stared at the wall, all too aware of the warm body lying just inches away. She was spoiled and demanding but he had to admire her guts. A lot of people would have fallen apart under the stress of the past ten days.
    But her guts was all he admired. Beyond that, she wasn't his type at all. He preferred tall, leggy brunettes. Short, curvy women with shaggy blond hair and eyes the color of a Hershey bar were not his style. It was a good thing, too. He had a feeling the next day or two was going to be difficult enough without the added complication of being attracted to Ms. Babs Malone.

Chapter 4

    B abs woke slowly the next morning, reluctant to abandon the pleasant dreams that lay just beyond the reach of her memory. The bed felt warm and safe. She stirred, snuggling closer to the source of that warmth, surrounded by it. It had been a long time since she'd felt so cared for. There was a vague rumbling beneath her ear and she frowned, poking at her pillow.
    "Careful. Puncture wounds are dangerous." The quiet words evaporated the last of her dreams. She opened her eyes and stared sleepily at the broad expanse of muscles that lay in front of her nose. No wonder the pillow had felt so hard. Her hand lay a few inches away, looking pale and fragile against all that tanned skin. She moved her hand, combing it through the mat of hair, feeling it curl around her fingers.
    "Puncture wounds aren't the only thing that's dangerous." A much larger, harder hand came up to cover hers, stilling her sleepy movements. "I don't think you're going to respect me in the morning." The voice held quiet humor and Babs tilted her head back.
    Sam's eyes were only inches away, bright blue, alight with humor and something else that she couldn't quite define. His lean jaw was stubbled with two nights' growth of beard, giving him a piratical look that suited him.
    She blinked and then blinked again, awareness trickling into her sleepy brain. She closed her eyes but, when she opened them again, he was still there. Very large, very masculine and very close. She swallowed, becoming aware of just how close he was. She was plastered against him, her leg thrown over his hips, her head on his shoulder. The sheet was still between them but it was a fragile protection at best. Never in her life had she been so aware of the differences between men and women. She was surrounded by his masculinity, swallowed up in it.
    "What do you think you're doing?" The indignant protest lacked force. It was hard to be forceful when you were practically draped over a man.
    "I'm not doing anything." The look Sam gave her was full of innocence. "You're the one who moved to my side of the bed."
    "I told you I always sleep on the left side." It was a weak excuse but the best she could come up with on the spot.
    Sam's eyes were bright but he was kind enough not to challenge her. "That must be the reason."
    "Of course it is. What else could it be?" It was also difficult to put contempt in her voice when she was vividly aware of the warmth of his skin under her hand.
    "If you don't move, I might begin to wonder just what else it might be." The wicked laughter in his eyes made Babs realize that she was still draped across his body like a piece of wet silk. With a

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