Losing Mars (Saving Mars Series-3)

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Book: Losing Mars (Saving Mars Series-3) by Cidney Swanson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cidney Swanson
which is what makes the appearance of an undocumented laborer so puzzling.”
    “Undocumented labor’s nothing new in the larger metropolitan areas,” said Kazuko. “There exists any number of reasons for such.”
    “It does appear to be the single instance of such at this particular hospital,” said Ethan.
    “Aye, it’s bloody illegal , then, isn’t it?” said Brian Wallace.
    “Can you acquire imagery?” asked Jess. “To see if it’s her?”
    “That’s illegal, too,” said Pavel. “A hospital’s one of the last places you can guarantee a measure of privacy. Although my aunt would like to see that changed.”
    “I am unable to obtain video of any part of the hospital in question,” confirmed Ethan. “In addition, I ought to have pointed out that Cassondra Kipling’s body is still listed among the patient roster for the hospital. Her vital signs, which I can access, have undergone no change since I began monitoring her.”
    “It’s got to be a coincidence,” said Pavel, after the group sat in silence for several minutes. “Brian’s right about employees being hired off-record. It happens. And if her read-out says she’s still comatose, I don’t see any reason to believe otherwise. Sorry, Jess.”
    Jessamyn’s heart squeezed. She’d hoped Pavel might back her in this. But he trusted the readings from the hospital.
    “I am sorry as well, daughter,” said Harpreet. “But this does not appear to change anything, much as we might wish it would. I do not feel it would be wise to venture to the capitol at present. Perhaps once your brother has things settled with the satellites, we might reexamine the situation.”
    Everyone seemed to regard Harpreet’s opinion as closing the discussion, and they rose to their various duties and evening occupations.
    But Jessamyn sat still and alone, thinking about Mars and about the upcoming elections. A vote of no-confidence . That was what was happening on Mars in two months’ time. It was worse than a regular election. When a CEO on Mars died in office, an election was held. But this was a vote being held to decide whether Mei Lo or someone else should govern Mars. If there was any possible way to bring Kipper back to consciousness, to have her tell the citizens of Mars the truth about her brother …
    Jessamyn rose and began pacing. If there was any chance that Nurse Cassondra and Kipper were the same person … Jess had to do something.

    Cassondra Kipling marched steadily in the direction of the Danube River with only the Terran moon to light her way. Of her destination, she was certain. Of her intentions, less so. The ache pulsing through her right temple and eye hampered her decision-making less than it had initially, but there were still moments of such pain that she doubted the reliability of her brain’s executive functions. Especially during the rare times she found herself alone.
    Nearly three Terran months had passed since the fateful night she’d told Communications Specialist Ethan Jaarda to continue hacking—that she would draw the attention of the secures who’d discovered them at the satellite communications facility. She had drawn the secures’ attention and their fire. She didn’t know what had become of Ethan or the others.
    Her temple throbbed painfully. Remembering the event seemed to make her pain worsen. To remind her of the blinding heat of the shot which had felled her. The shot that had saved her, if her doctor was to be believed.
    “Your body, unharmed, would have been placed into a lottery with those valuable extra years,” he’d remarked upon her first day back to full consciousness. “But a body riddled with inoperable pain? Not worth anything to anyone. Except, apparently the Chancellor. She wants you for questioning. Or we can discuss an alternative you might prefer.”
    Cassondra shuffled forward, noting the way moonlight dimmed Dunakeszi’s pinks and ochres, coloring the buildings gray. She felt

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