Losing Faith

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Book: Losing Faith by Scotty Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scotty Cade
Tags: gay romance
looking up, arms stretched, smiling. “Live,” kept reverberating in Cullen’s brain. He and Abel broke the surface.
    Cullen sat bolt upright in bed, gasping for air. He grabbed his throat and sucked in several ragged breaths. Forcing himself to relax, he inhaled deeply and slowly until his breathing was again under control. His eyes were wet with tears, and his hands were shaking. He jumped out of bed and paced nervously.
    “What the hell was that about?”
    His brain was on overload. Cullen had no capacity to even attempt to analyze that dream, so he went to the head and splashed cold water on his face. He passed the hand towel over his features and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were swollen and red, and his skin looked pale and almost pasty white.
    Jeez, Cullen! What’s happened to you?
    With no answers other than the obvious, Cullen decided to call Abel and cancel their dinner. He was in a foul mood and wouldn’t be good company for anyone, let alone a man of the cloth. But then he remembered he and Abel had never exchanged telephone numbers. Use your head, Cullen! What about a telephone book? Directory assistance? He picked up his phone and dialed 411. Then he cursed under his breath and ended the call when he couldn’t remember Abel’s last name. Wyatt? Wesley? Webber? Oh hell, just forget about it.
    Almost on autopilot Cullen ventured to the galley, seasoned two filet mignon steaks with salt, pepper, and a little Worcestershire, and set them on the counter to come to room temperature. He poked holes in two potatoes, wrapped them in foil, and seasoned and doused some asparagus in olive oil. Prep done, Cullen went back to his cabin and made his bed. With nothing more to do, he sat on the edge. He ran his hands over his face and rubbed his eyes.
    Cullen, you’re barely making it through each day, but with each one you do get through, you’re spiraling a little more out of control. This has got to stop or you’re not going to survive.

Chapter Six
    “THIS IS as good as it gets.” Abel looked at himself in the mirror one last time. He was wearing khaki shorts, boat shoes, and a turquoise polo shirt that, as someone in his congregation had commented, made his eyes look more blue than green. He leaned into the mirror and stared at his eyes, but he couldn’t see it. Oh, well! Vanity had never been one of his sins, but tonight for some reason, he wanted to look especially nice. He stepped back from the full-length mirror and closed his closet door.
    With a bounce in his step, Abel ran down the stairs of his two-story, church-owned bungalow on Caswell Avenue, his footsteps echoing on the hardwood floors of the big empty house. Abel grabbed a bottle of wine off the kitchen counter and opened his front door.
    When he’d stopped at the wine store and asked about a nice wine, the skeptical eye of the cashier, who just happened to attend his church, was daunting. While the woman had helped him make his selection, Abel had explained that he was a guest at someone’s house for dinner and wanted to bring a gift. Her scowl had softened a little, but she’d still eyed him warily. Was there nothing he could do in this town without falling under the watchful eyes of his congregation? He shrugged it off. Comes with the territory, I guess. Abel slid the key into the lock and turned the deadbolt.
    The distance to the marina was just a few blocks, and it was a beautiful evening, so Abel decided to walk. Besides, it would give him a little time to decide how he was going to be completely honest with Cullen and still keep a certain little something to himself. He wanted to be honest—he really did. Only some things were just too personal to talk about. But he’d promised Cullen, and he would figure out a way to keep that promise and stay true to himself at the same time.
    Abel looked at his watch when he reached the marina. Six thirty-eight. I guess that constitutes six thirtyish. His heart rate

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