Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

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Book: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) by K. R. Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. R. Richards
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Gabriel. Thank God.
    “Are there problems, Madingly? I thought I heard shouting from outside.” Gabriel entered and looked to wide-eyed Wenna.
    “We were having a bit of a disagreement,” Wenna offered.
    “I will wait outside for you Miss Penrose, un less you are ready to leave now,” Gabriel offered. His crystalline eyes darkened considerably as they rested upon John Madingly.
    Wenna nodded, “I’ll be out in just a few minutes, Gabriel. We were nearly finished.”
    Gabriel nodded.” I’ll be right outside the C hurch door. I’ll leave it open,” he looked warily again at Madingly.
    Wenna gave him an appreciative nod.
    John Madingly removed his hat and ruffled his hair, “I apologize, Miss Penrose. I have never been jilted before.”
    “I am sorry, Mr. Madingly . I hope you get your parish in Australia.”
    “So, do I . Good day to you, Miss Penrose,” still red-faced, he turned and stalked toward the side door. The path led to the rectory.
    “Good day, Mr. Madingly. ” Wenna called after him. She hastily turned and exited the church. She sighed in relief. Thank Goodness Gabriel showed up when he did .
    “Problems, Wenna?” Ga briel asked her as she joined him and Senny at the church door.
    “No . It was a disagreement, is all.” At the moment, Wenna truly did not want to speak of her personal business. She was certain whatever she said to Gabriel would get back to Trevan. If she wanted to hold the upper hand with Trevan, he could not know her relationship with John Madingly was completely severed.
    “I might be mistaken, but I thou ght I heard him shouting at you,” Gabriel persisted.
    “He was . He is fine now, Gabriel. We are taking a break from one another for a time. For now the engagement is cancelled.” Wenna gave Gabriel a nod and moved to walk ahead of him and Senny so they could not question her further.
    Behind Wenna, Senny offered Gabriel a relieved smile. He winked at her.
    Two o’clock came and went. It was dinnertime before Trevan Chynoweth, the Duke of Penrose, arrived at Callywith Manor.
    Wenna had begun to believe he would not show. Disappointment and doubt began to creep in hours before.
    When he did arrive, it was with a bouquet of red roses from Menadue’s garden in hand. He was dressed more formally than he usually was when he came to visit at Callywith.
    “I am sorry to be so tardy, Miss Penrose . There were problems in one of the mines. Seven men were involved in a cave-in but we dug them out. I had to return to Menadue to change. You did receive my message, didn’t you?” Trevan handed her the red roses.
    “No.” Wenna shook her head. “I did not receive a message. Thank you for the roses, Trevan.”
    “Oh. ” Trevan looked worried. “I am sorry, Wenna. I sent Old Morcum’s nephew to bring a message directly to you. I will find out what happened to him first thing tomorrow, I promise. Next time I will make certain I send someone more trustworthy.”
    There were frequently problems at the mines . Unlike other overlords, Trevan did not stand idly by when his people were in trouble. Wenna knew this. “Was anyone hurt or worse?”
    “Ansell Newth broke his leg . Everyone else is fine save for a few scrapes and cuts.”
    Wenna clucked her tongue. “Poor Ansell. It is good that no one was seriously injured, Trevan. I wish your message had arrived, I was worried.”
    “More likely you were contemplating how best to murder me, and I don’t blame you. I did try, Wenna.” He shook his head in frustration.
    “I know you can’t help trouble in the mine, Trevan.” Wenna smiled. “I trust that you did send Morcum’s nephew with a message. The lad is young. Perhaps he was sidetracked. Come to the dining room, we’ve just sat down. Gabriel is here.”
    “ Gabriel’s here?” He chuckled. “What a surprise.”
    Wenna decided she would let Trevan by this once.
    After dinner, Trevan took Wenna for a stroll in her garden.
    “ Did you have any problems breaking

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