Lord Love a Duke

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Book: Lord Love a Duke by Renee Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Reynolds
Tags: Historical fiction, Regency, England, Historical Romance, London, Romantic Comedy, Comedy, english romance, peerage
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the sand,
the Duke stopped his horse and faced Juliet.

    "We begin at the end of the path then ride
straight through past the cove, around Horseshoe Rock, then back to
the path here. Agreed?"

    Her eyes followed the course as far as she
could see as she mentally reviewed the route. "Agreed. And a boon
to be named by the winner. A reasonable boon. I mean one that is
easily granted by the loser."

    "Agreed," he said, tossing his hat to the
sand. Juliet watched his movement then mimicked his action, untying
the ribbons of her bonnet and tossing it near his hat. Her thick
hair was braided and wound into a low bun at the nape of her neck.
He moved to aid her into the saddle, but stopped to watch instead
as she placed her left foot in the stirrup and swung herself up
into her seat without assistance. As she settled herself in the
saddle he noticed the look of pride and ease that settled on her
face as she talked quietly to her mount. She arranged her full,
split skirt modestly then looked to the Duke for the signal. He
swung his leg over Paladin and took up his mark.

    "On my mark, then. Ready . . . . Steady . .
. . Go!" He shouted and gave his horse his head. Paladin took off,
his mane and tail flying straight behind as he lengthened his
strides and gathered speed. Jonas allowed himself a brief glance to
his right and saw that Juliet was not trailing by much. It would be
a good race, to be sure. Their mounts thundered down the beach, the
packed pebbles making the steps and strides of their beasts sure.
They neared the curve that began the cove, where the beach curved
in on itself by nearly one-quarter mile. Both horses negotiated the
shift in direction with nary a drop in speed. As they neared the
horseshoe-shaped rock, Juliet urged Hera with her knees and gained
ground on the Duke. She entered the turn first with the advantage
of taking the inside, changing the direction of her horse with an
ease and confidence that only comes from familiarity. A light spray
spewed from Hera's hooves as Juliet and horse ate up the ground
with impressive speed. The Duke belatedly realized she had probably
ridden this route as much as he growing up.

    Juliet lengthened her lead by promptly
moving to the firmly packed sand nearer the tide line. From his
trailing position, Jonas noticed the pins had flown loose from her
hair, her braid flying as a pennant in the wind. Her skirt had
ridden up her legs to rest just below her knees, showing her
leather half-boots and a shapely calf pressed into Hera's flesh. By
God but she was magnificent, at one with her mount and enjoying
every minute of the race! He saw her glance back and throw him a
triumphant smile before she lowered her head to Hera's neck.

    Jonas resolved immediately to win the boon
as if his very life depended on it. "Paladin, the victory must
needs be ours, old boy,” he panted, tapping his boot heels into his
mounts flanks. They began to gain ground rapidly and he moved into
the shallow water, surf and shingle flying, and edged past Juliet
with a few feet to spare. He laughed out loud as he heard her
French curse at losing fly along the breeze.

    " Merde! " she yelled, but she was
laughing and smiling with delight. The two riders slowed their
mounts and drew alongside each other at a canter. "Your Grace, that
was fantastic! What a race!” she enthused. “And Paladin is a
majestic animal at full gallop!"

    Jonas smiled and Juliet saw dimples appear
on each side of his mouth, lending him a boyish charm usually
missing from his serious countenance. His wind-tossed hair was
rakishly disheveled and his ice blue eyes were alive with an inner

    "Lady Juliet, I have not raced like this in
several years. It was exhilarating. You are an impressive
horsewoman. I can see why you prefer to ride astride. You are
remarkably in tune with your mount."

    She flashed him a brilliant smile that only
enhanced her usual beauty. Her hair was a wild mess of wispy
tendrils haloing her face and his fingers

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