Look At Your Future

Read Online Look At Your Future by Lucy J. Whittaker - Free Book Online

Book: Look At Your Future by Lucy J. Whittaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker
ever used.  It seemed
like she was always alone.  She watched him as he poured her a glass of wine
and then he started to cut his meat.  She couldn’t wait to have his hands on
her later.  She clenched her thighs together under the table as she looked up
at him.  He gave her a knowing smile and she felt heat pool inside her.  She
blushed and then looked down at her plate to concentrate on her meal.
    Max didn’t need to listen to her thoughts to know that she
wanted him.  Her chest was flushed and she took deep breaths trying to control
her breathing.  He was amused by her reaction to him.  He hadn’t sent any vibes
her way at all, just being around her did it. He could tell she wanted him bad,
he was curious to find out how much. He could smell her scent, there was no way
she could hide it from him.  She gave him a cool look, but there was no way she
could fool him.  Just knowing she was ready for him made him rock hard.
    “So, what do you want to do after dinner?” He asked her
    “Uh…I don’t know,” she answered huskily.  Lily tried to
clear her throat a little, but it still sounded husky when she spoke again. 
“We could watch a movie if you’d like.”
    “What kind of movies do you have Lily?”
    “All kinds, but I don’t have any westerns.”
    “Good to know,” he smiled. He looked at her lips when her
tongue suddenly darted out to wet them.  “I’ll look at your collection after
dinner and pick something out.  I like action movies myself.”
    Lily looked at him for a second, it seemed so unfair.  She
was totally turned on by him, but he seemed so cool and in control.  She
wondered what he’d be like if he lost it completely.
    Max listened to her for a minute.  That was his biggest fear
for her.  If she saw him lose control over what he really was.  It would kill
him if he hurt her, or if she became afraid of him.  That was something he
couldn’t allow.  If she knew what he really was that would be different.  He
never wanted her to be afraid of him. 
    They finished eating and Lily shoed him from the kitchen while
she cleaned up.  She sent him into the living room to pick out a movie for them
to watch.
    She filled their wine glasses and then went to find him. He
stood in the middle of the room; he stood so still, like he was waiting for
something.  He hadn’t even picked out a movie yet, what was up with him?
    “Max are you okay?” she asked as she approached him, she
lightly touched his arm as she stopped beside him.
    “I was admiring your painting.”
    “It’s wonderful isn’t it,” Lily stepped past him
irresistibly drawn closer to it.  “My friend Kristi bought it for me.  I’ve
always loved wolves, even when I was a kid.  The weird thing is that I notice
something different in it every time I look at it.”  She rubbed her arms as she
stood in front of the painting.
    “Like what?” He asked her curiously, he came up behind her
and put his arms around her and then slowly rubbed her arms for her, as if to
warm her from a chill he knew she didn’t have. He looked back up at the
painting, trying to see what she saw.
    “Well I only saw the white wolf at first. It’s like the
painting is so dark and your eyes have to adjust to see it.  Then I saw the
smaller wolf later.  Now I see pairs scattered through the painting.  I tried
to do some research on it, but there isn’t any information available on it.  I
can’t find out who painted it either, there is no signature on the painting
anywhere.  I called the gallery that she bought it from, but they don’t
remember having it there, they said they have no record of her even buying it
from them.  Isn’t that weird?”
    “Yep, I like it though.” he said as he moved her hair from
her neck and rubbed his nose along the smooth skin he had uncovered.  He felt
her shiver and he smiled, “are you cold?”
    “Uh…no,” she turned in his arms and looked up at him.  “Did
you decide what

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