Longing for Kayla

Read Online Longing for Kayla by Lauren Fraser - Free Book Online

Book: Longing for Kayla by Lauren Fraser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Fraser
Tags: Erótica
on her freaked him out a little bit. He glanced up and the look on Kayla’s face was far too knowing. She laced her fingers into his hair and guided his head between her legs. “For now just focus on that,” she whispered.
    Chris glanced back up at her and smiled. “Now that I can do,” he told her and placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss on her clit.
    The pink lips of her pussy were swollen and wet from all the attention they had provided. His mouth watered looking at her. He flattened his tongue and licked her with one long stroke. Her musky juice dripped onto his tongue, sweet and so uniquely Kayla. He pressed inside her, fucking her with his tongue. Her thighs clamped down around his ears and she moaned with pleasure.
    He pulled her clit between his teeth and sucked her gently, swirling his tongue until he had her writhing against his face. He heard the bathroom door open, but he was unable to pull away from the addictive flavor of Kayla’s hot pussy.
    Jesse’s rough hand gripped his dick.
    “Shit,” he groaned.
    His dick flexed in Jesse’s hand, demanding he grip it harder. It felt so damn good.
    He spread Kayla’s lips wider with his thumb, allowing himself to go deeper. Her flavor coated his tongue.
    Jesse’s hand working his cock and Kayla grinding on his face was more than he could take. He was going to come, and he needed Kayla to do it with him.
    He slid his fingers inside and her silky heat convulsed around his finger. With one final flick of his tongue her pussy quivered around him and she screamed out her release. Jesse’s hand pumped his dick hard and he spurted onto the side of the bed.
    Chris didn’t realize Kayla had been using her hand on Jesse as well until he groaned and came on her stomach.
    Grabbing a cloth, Chris wiped up Kayla and the side of bed. When he returned from the bathroom, they both lay on the bed, expectantly watching him. Unable to say anything, he lay down beside Kayla with his back to her, and turned out the light. He heard Jesse’s loud sigh before he fell asleep.
    * * * * *
    The sound of snoring on the far side of the bed pulled Chris from his sleep. Decidedly male snoring. The urge to run was so strong inside him the only thing that kept him in place was the warm, soft feel of Kayla’s leg draped over his thigh.
    Man up, Hanson, he told himself. He opened his eyes. Kayla’s body snuggled up against him was a sight he had dreamed about for so long he couldn’t believe it had finally come true. His eyes slid down her body. But seeing Jesse’s arm around her waist pulled him up short. The position of Jesse’s hand placed him just inches from Chris’ morning woody. If either of them moved even a fraction, they would be touching. Chris’ dick twitched. He needed to get out of here.
    Careful not to wake Kayla, he eased out from under her leg. He stood at the edge of the bed and stepped into his jeans. His eyes were drawn to the picture the two of them made. His chest pulled tight. They looked so right together in his bed. The urge to climb back in and wake them both was so strong, it hurt.
    What the fuck was the matter with him?
    Turning on his heel, he fled the room. He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Too much sex had dulled his normal inhibitions and responses. It was a freak thing. He just needed some distance and space.
    The smell of coffee hit him full on when he stepped into the kitchen. Thank God for the auto-start button. He poured himself a cup and sank into the kitchen chair. Unable to stop his mind from replaying everything about the previous night, he dropped his head onto the table.
    That was how they found him. Kayla’s hand ran across the top of his bare back. “Chris?” Her soft voice swept across him. “You okay?”
    He raised his head to look at her. She stood before him with her tousled hair, his t-shirt hanging enticingly on her body. Her face was unsure, wary. His fingers clenched with the urge to pull Kayla onto his lap.
    Jesse stepped

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