London Harmony: Water Gypsy

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Book: London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
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imperiously, but I caught the slight movement as she cocked her head slightly to listen intently as her eyes squinted almost imperceptibly. If I hadn't been so mesmerized by her face at the time, I would have missed it. Slowly, that serene look spread across her face as I progressed and the tiniest of smiles I don't think she realized she was doing.
    Her fingers, more accurate than a metronome, tapped at her hip. Her eyebrow raising and falling with the two difficult transitions. I was close to perfect on the first one. It could use more work, and I nailed the second transition and the smile at the corner of her lips spread just a tiny bit more as she closed her eyes and listened to the last of the passage.
    When I was done, she straightened up and smoothed her dress over her shapely hips and said, “Passable. Continue to work on the first transition. It was sloppy.” I felt like I had cocked up and not pleased her. I'd make sure to get it right the next time. Wait, I had been working my bum off and she was criticizing?
    Before I could finish the thought, she asked, “And the other?” She tilted her head slightly in a cute manner. I fought a smile for thinking anything this terrifying woman did was cute. A tiny voice in my head mocked me, “But it was.”
    I swapped out the music and grimaced at this one. It was designed to punish the singer, to force irregular breathing patterns in order to follow most of the bridge and even refrain. I wondered what type of sadistic person could come up with something which was obvious that nobody could accomplish. I rubbed my thumb over her mother's name on the sheet music. Oh yeah, maybe her.
    I took a couple conditioning breaths and started. The instructor's voice in the next room silenced. I stumbled through two-thirds of it but had been able to slip into the groove, concentrating on my lungs, diaphragm and projection. I was smiling as I just felt it all clicking, right up until I stumbled into a more taxing grouping. I finished and just shrugged at the woman.
    I couldn't read anything in her face. She seemed to be going over something in her head. The silence stretched on and I started fidgeting and wringing my fingers as the lesson next door started up again. She nodded once and said, “That was abysmal, you need to apply yourself more like you did in the first lesson. This will help you accomplish the first lesson and the successive ones more quickly. Breath control will either make or break you. Take it more seriously.”
    She was berating me! I... she... I broke, letting some of my temper and confusion through. “I don't understand what we are doing here. I'm trying to please you, but you keep belittling my singing. I'm not a student here I'm just attempting to do my job. Now I'm trying to sing these impossible lessons to earn your favor and I don't bloody know why!”
    I felt a tear on my cheek, great now I was embarrassing myself even more. I hadn't even seen her take the two steps to me, and her hot hand was on my cheek, I caught a hint of the floral scent of her shampoo. I wanted so much to lean into her touch as she wiped the tear away with her thumb.
    Then like a spirit she was gone, walking out the door saying over her shoulder, “We'll pick this up again tomorrow. Constrict rather than broaden your diaphragm on the fourth measure.” Then I was standing alone, angry, confused, sad, and... happy, almost aroused from her touch. I placed my fingers on my cheek where her hand had rested.
    I shook my head as I gathered my things, knowing I would, I would practice more for her tonight. Why did I always want the women I could never have? The only way I could get her to acknowledge me was to try to do these impossible lessons. I was such a bloody muppet.
    I stepped into the hall chastising myself, then the blood drained from my face realizing I had snapped at my employer. Paya's dragon lady. I may have pushed too far this time. I closed the door behind me then gently banged

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