London Harmony: Water Gypsy

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Book: London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
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felt like I was riding the waxing and buffing machine like a runaway bronco in the offices and the loos. We would have to stay late tonight to do the hallways and the two classrooms. Whoever invented these bloody machines didn't have smaller women in mind to operate them did they? Paya and I would switch off every few minutes, it was strenuous work.
    She had stopped and looked at me with a touch of concern, and said, “You look tired Tabs. Are you getting enough sleep? Did you have dinner?”
    I grinned at her concern and bumped her out from behind the torture contraption and grabbed the handle and started the beast up. “I was just up late on my lessons, 'mum'.” I hoped she didn't notice I hadn't addressed the dinner question, but I had got so caught up in my studies. I ate two apples for breakfast to make up for it.
    She smirked smugly at the mum comment then shook her head as she moved the cord from my path on the semi-runaway buffer. “You sound like a student.”
    I scrunched up my face and cocked an eyebrow at her and promptly slipped and fell on my bum as the machine glided away and stopped. We both laughed as I stood and chuckled. “I don't know what I am. The entire situation is so confusing.”
    She shook her head and took control of the rebellious machine again as she said, “Have you thought of, you know, asking her?”
    I corralled the cord as she went along. I shrugged and replied, “She's so... intimidating, and I find it hard to speak to her.”
    She barked out a squeaky surprised laugh and said through a cocky smile, “And, you're hot for teacher.”
    I closed my eyes, took a deep breath then exhaled quickly and said under my breath as I opened my eyes. “And, I'm hot for teacher.”
    Paya squinted and prompted, “What was that?”
    She knew damn well what I said. I whipped the cord causing a wave to travel up the cord to the buffer, it smacking her bum along the way as I said, “Not a thing, back to work you.”
    She said imperiously as the machine almost pulled her into a wall. “A bloody slave driver is what you are woman!” I gave her another cord whack to the bum earning me a squeak and a giggle from my bestie.
    At lunch, Paya put the back of her hand to her brow dramatically then laughed and rolled her eyes as she headed to the break room while I hustled the opposite direction to my stockroom. The lesson in the other room, today was all theory and no singing. Boooo. It was still a fascinating listen as I split my attention between that and my book. I took a moment to reflect on the fact that I had learned more about music in the past week than what I learned in secondary school and on my own.
    I looked at the time on my mobile and stood, tea was almost over. I stacked my things on the shelf next to me and smoothed down my uniform dress. Quickly ran my fingers through my short hair to give it a little body then waited.
    I had to stop the smile from blooming on my face when a minute later the door opened and the light flickered on. I took a moment to take her in, just how many of those spectacular single color professional dresses did the woman own?
    She was wearing a tangerine dress with a matching wide fabric hairband and kitten heels. Another one of those white pantsuit coats over it. Her makeup was slightly less understated today and played with her color choice of the day with hints of darker oranges, and her lips were a creamy satin sheen that had so much depth. I stopped myself from staring at them and licking my own.
    She appeared to be similarly appraising me. A maid. I crossed my arms over my chest, wanting to shrink away in the drab uniform. Then I swear I caught a glimmer of concern in her face, it was so subtle and quick that I may have imagined it, and her face became stern and professional. “You have no formal training?” I shook my head and she hid a smile behind her hand before she straightened back up and snapped, “First lesson please.”
    She tilted her head up almost

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