Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series)

Read Online Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series) by Selena Cross - Free Book Online

Book: Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series) by Selena Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Cross
just to make sure she was really sleeping. He went to the edge of the bed and saw that her breathing had definitely slowed and she did appear to be asleep. Then he noticed that every once in a while her breath would hiccup and her eyes looked puffy and red, as if she’s been crying.
    Cole fought the urge to pick her up in his arms and hold her while he comforted her and told her everything would be okay. He didn’t know if things would be okay and he didn’t know if she would allow him to hold her.
    His heart ached for her, knowing she must be in turmoil trying to figure out why she was going through all of this. He instantly felt guilty for having put her through so much more by being brutish and demanding.
    He suddenly had a sense of déjà vu, as stories about when his father and mother met passed through his head. His father had felt an instant need to keep his mother with him always and protect her from the world as well. He’d been very possessive of her and doted over her on everything. Cole remembered his father describing the same feelings he was having for Elizabeth and it suddenly frightened him.
    He turned away from the bed and stalked out of the room to go and light the stove. He refused to have the same feelings for her that his father had for his mother. He would not live that way. He would not give his heart to just one woman to have her rip it out when she left him and him to live for the rest of his life in misery. Sure, his mother had been mortal and Elizabeth was immortal, so death wouldn’t be what separated them, but Elizabeth was not a part of his world. She would grow to hate it there, she already hated it, and then she’d resent him for keeping her there and leave him.
    She would never love him as his mother loved his father. She was destined to have one true mate and as soon as that mate came along, Cole would be nothing but a distant memory.
    After fighting with lighting the stove, he threw a pot down on top of it, and rummaged through the cabinets for cans of soup to heat up for an early supper.
    He’d made his mind up, he was going to feed her and send her to bed, and then he was going to roam the forest in search of a willing lynx-shifter female to slate his lust with. He would not take the risk of being with Elizabeth. He knew his heart would become too invested in it and he refused to let that happen.
    Tomorrow he’d begin the search for answers as to why someone wanted her dead, and then he would fix the problem, so he could get rid of her as soon as possible. He did not want her there any longer than need be. He was not going to fall under her little spell and become her lap lynx, leashed to her forever, even after she was long gone with her destined mate.

    Chapter Four
    Liz woke with a fright as something banged in the other room. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was, but when she did it came crashing down on her and she just lay there staring at the ceiling.
    Suddenly, someone pounded on the bedroom door.
    “Supper is ready, come eat before it gets cold,” came giant-guys voice through the wooden door.
    Liz slipped out of bed and padded slowly to the door, thinking to herself that she really needed to learn his name.
    When she opened the door, the scent of chicken noodle soup hit her nose and made her mouth water. Vampires didn’t need to eat human food to live, but it was very delicious and Liz had never turned down chicken noodle soup, since it was her favorite.
    She walked into the kitchen /dining room, watched as giant-guy filled two bowls of soup, and then brought them to the table to set them down.
    He gestured toward the chair at the table and commanded, “Sit and eat.”
    For once, this was one of his commands she felt happy to comply with. She sat down and picked up the soupspoon he had placed next to the bowl, but she didn’t start to eat until he sat down too and started in on his soup.
    She felt like something was off. Of course, the entire

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