Lisa Renee Jones

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Book: Lisa Renee Jones by Hot Vampire Kiss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hot Vampire Kiss
steady male companions, but no one that ever made her feel like Evan. Regret filled Marissa, replacing her bravado of living life she’d mentally celebrated only a few minutes before. She was going to die before she had really lived.
    “You’re not going to die,” Evan said softly, and then disappeared quickly, slamming the door behind him. She blinked at the door, trying to understand how he’d known what she was thinking. Could he read her mind?
    He knocked on the window and pointed at the lock. She jumped and locked it. And then it hit her. She was alone with Aiden and Troy.
    Marissa inhaled and turned to the back of the large vehicle and found her gaze locked with a now recovered, but incredibly silent, and frightening, Troy. “How are you?” she asked.
    “Better than you I suspect,” he said, inclining his head at her fingers on the seat. “You’re trembling.”
    She knew. God, did she know. “If someone has to kill me,” she blurted, before it was too late and Evan returned. “Make sure it’s you and not Evan.”
    “No one is going to kill you,” Aiden said, sitting up so that she could see him more clearly.
    “We’re going to kill the wolf, Marissa.”
    Troy’s silver eyes bore into hers, unchanged at his brother’s comments. “Do you want to know why I have blond hair and silver eyes?”
    She did, but the odd question took her off guard and a fizzle of warning flared inside her. She wasn’t going to like where this was going. “No,” she said cautiously. “Why?”
    “A werewolf attacked me and pretty much ripped my throat out. When I recovered, I was different.”
    Dread filled her. “Please don’t tell me that I’ve infected Evan with the virus.”
    “Vampires are immune to the virus,” Aiden said. “We don’t know why the attack changed Troy.
    Just that it did.”
    “Yes,” Troy said. “It changed me.” The way he said the statement indicated that he meant in more ways than his hair and eye color. “And the point of this story is that I know what a wolf can do more than either of my brothers. If it comes down to choosing between you or my brother
    – I’ll choose my brother.”
    Her chest tightened and she could almost feel the wolf inside her clawing at it, trying to get out.
    As if it hated Troy, as if it rejected his declaration. That she knew what that part of her was thinking, feeling, terrified her. “That’s not good enough. If it comes to the midnight hour and my chances of staying human are gone – kill me. And don’t let Evan talk you out of it. The wolf in me…it’ll kill him. Don’t let it – me – kill him.” It was the first time she realized the intent of the wolf in her, but there was no question in her mind.

    Evan knocked on the window and she quickly popped the locks. The door opened and she quickly turned to Evan as he slid inside. “Around back,” he said and flicked a look over his shoulder at his brothers. “Side by side adjoined rooms.”
    “Excellent,” Aiden said dryly. “We can be one big happy family.” Marissa inhaled on his comment, hoping he wasn’t going to tell Evan what she’d said, and almost certain he was. Damn, damn, damn. A few minutes later they filed into one of the dingy rooms with two double beds and orange comforters. The space was small as it was, but add in three big vampires, and it was a matchbox. She quickly headed to the second room through the adjoining doors, to find an identical room, aware Evan was following her. She could sense every move the vampire male made, every breath he drew.
    She turned to face him. “I need to call my employer.” His expression instantly darkened. “And tell them what Marissa?”
    “I need my job. When this is over I still have bills, a life.” And I’ve no one else to depend on, but me. His lips firmed his expression grim. The silence stretched immeasurably long and she couldn’t take it. “You don’t think I’ll make it back to my job do you?”
    “Do you?” Troy

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