
Read Online Linger by Lauren Jameson - Free Book Online

Book: Linger by Lauren Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Jameson
need and lust that were tangled so tightly inside of him. Satisfaction hit his veins like the burn of whiskey to the back of his throat.
    Lowering her leg once he stilled, she then stepped back, her spine straightening, that domineering expression he’d already seen so many times tonight warning him that he was in trouble.
    Anticipation—she wasn’t done with him yet; he didn’t yet have to say goodbye—warred with apprehension.
    â€œI’m going to go easy on you, because emotions arerunning high for both of us after that scene.” Not taking her eyes from Logan, the Domme gestured for Bren, who was still kneeling, to rise. “Bren, please open my bag and remove the paddle. The one with the holes.”
    Logan sucked in a breath, anticipating the bite of pain. The holes in the paddle allowed the air to pass through more freely than a solid one, allowing for a faster swing and a harder blow. Though he wondered what she would have pulled out if she
going to go easy on him, as she’d said, he found himself impressed.
    She wasn’t very big, but this Mistress was fierce.
    He thought he just might be crazy about her.
    â€œUnzip your pants. Bare your ass, then bend over that barstool.” She spoke like she was sure he would obey. His reflex was to tell her that she’d have to make him.
    And then his mind flashed back to the inside of that private room. To the way she’d bound him, aroused him, and milked his climax from him despite his resistance.
    Looking at the determination in her eyes, he knew that if he didn’t do as she said, she would have no qualms about doing the exact same thing out here, where everyone could see. It had been bad enough to be stripped down, raw, exposed to this one woman.
    Slowly he turned, undid his pants. The metallic rasp of the zipper grated against the suddenly hushed air of the club as he lowered his jeans to his knees, then bent over the stool.
    He had no problem with nudity—never had. But this wasn’t just being naked in public.
    The damn woman was poking at his boundaries again, and he hadn’t even managed to shore the barriers back up. And he sure as fuck didn’t care for it. Even if he already cared for her.
    â€œYou will use your safe word if you need to,” Mistress Scommanded, and Logan felt his temper rising. “And you will say yellow if you need a break. Don’t forget to breathe.”
    Logan ground his teeth together, then goaded her. “Put a little muscle into it, sweetheart, so I know you’ve started.”
    He heard her hiss out a breath, then the whistle of the paddle sailing through the air.
    It took everything in him not to shout as the wood connected with the flesh of his right ass cheek. The pain radiated outward, fireworks followed by a wicked burn.
    The woman had one hell of a swing.
    Smack! Smack, smack!
She alternated, landing two blows on each side of his ass. Logan felt his cock rising, hardening, as he fought past the pain and into the pleasure that accompanied it. The sharp sensation helped to clear his head of his anger, to reach for the pleasure with both hands.
The Domme centered this blow, flogging the sensitive skin where his legs met his ass. No longer able to stay silent, he choked out a low groan as he shuddered.
    â€œLet me see you again.” He didn’t care who heard him, didn’t even look around to see, staying frozen where he was, facedown over the barstool.
    He’d never been able to handle more than one night in the bustling city, the claustrophobia making him yearn for the wide-open skies of his ranch.
    But for this woman . . . he would stay a second night. A week, even. He would stay until he couldn’t bear it for another second.
    â€œI can’t.” He felt her presence behind him, heard the quiet words, meant just for him.
    â€œWhat did I do wrong?” In the past Logan had always been

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