Lilith - TI3

Read Online Lilith - TI3 by Fran Heckrotte - Free Book Online

Book: Lilith - TI3 by Fran Heckrotte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fran Heckrotte
Tags: supernatural, Lesbian
months. I can have my agent send you a few tickets once we finalize the arrangements."
    "Wonderful! I look forward to it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think one of my girls is about to have a problem with a customer."
    Standing, Lilith walked away, her hips swaying gracefully beneath a long, form fitting black dress. With only one strap and a low cut back, she oozed a sensuality that made others take notice. Even Yemaya felt the woman's sexual appeal.
    "She is a very interesting woman," she commented sipping her drink as she observed the crowd's reaction to the tall club owner.
    "Yeah! If I didn't know you better, I'd be jealous," replied Dakota, watching the Illusionist's face with interest and perhaps a little insecurity.
    Yemaya switched her gaze back to the journalist and smiled mischievously.
    "You have nothing to worry about. I doubt if I have what it takes to handle her."
    Spewing her drink onto the table, Dakota quickly wiped it up with what few napkins she had and looked around to see if anyone had noticed.
    "You have got to be kidding!" she gasped, slightly breathless. "She may have the looks and the moves, but no one can satisfy a woman like you can! Trust me on this one!"
    Laughing softly, Yemaya tipped her head slightly, acknowledging her lover's compliment.
    "I am glad you think so."
    Dakota grinned smugly.
    "I know so! Hey, Cammie just came in!" she said looking at the silver haired woman who had just entered the room. Dressed in dark green slacks and a pale green blouse, she stood looking around as if searching for someone. When she spied Dakota, she waved and smiled. The journalist motioned for her to join them. At the same time, Agra showed up at the table with new drinks, including one for Cammie.
    "Thanks," she said sitting next to Dakota and looking at Yemaya. "Hi, I'm Cammie."
    "This is Yemaya," replied Dakota, not giving her partner a chance to respond.
    When Cammie extended her hand, Yemaya had no choice but to shake it. She immediately became aware of a warmth flowing up her arm toward her shoulder and then down into her chest. For a moment she felt as if someone was pushing on her ribs trying to suffocate her. Releasing the grip, nonchalantly, the Illusionist sat back in her chair and picked up her drink as if nothing had happened.
    "It is nice to meet you," she said . Interesting , she thought, resisting an urge to massage the area below her left breast or renew the contact.
    "You too." Turning back to Dakota, Cammie smiled and winked. "She's a real babe."
    "Yes, she is," replied Dakota, glancing at Yemaya and then shifting her attention back to Cammie. "So what have you been doing with yourself since we last met?"
    "Last met? You make it sound like an eternity." Cammie laughed softly.
    "Oh... yeah. For some reason it seems longer. I'm not sure why I said that. Sooo, what have you been doing with yourself since then?"
    "You mean after you left? I helped close down the club and then met with a couple of young ladies later. I just sent them home a few hours ago."
    "Two? You had a date with two women at one time?"
    "It's not unusual. I have a lot of energy."
    Yemaya could tell Cammie wasn't bragging but merely stating a fact. Had she been describing her latest meal, it wouldn't have sounded any different.
    "I'll say. I barely have enough for this one," Dakota claimed, nodding her head toward Yemaya without looking at her.
    Raising both eyebrows, Yemaya remained silent, sensing a subtle change in her lover.
    "I find that hard to believe. I imagine you hold your own quite well," teased Cammie, giving the Illusionist a quick glance.
    "Yeah, actually I do. She hasn't complained yet. You know I've never tried a threesome. It sounds likes fun. Doesn't it complicate things, though?"
    "Not really. As long as you pick the right partners, it can be quite enjoyable. The trick is to make sure everyone

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