Lilies and Lies

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Book: Lilies and Lies by Mary Manners Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Manners
Tags: Christian fiction
rubbed her heart raw at times. “I like to think he knows we miss him.”
    “I’m sure he does.” Mom’s gaze drifted toward the kitchen, where Anthony Moretto was busy plating ravioli for an order. Something wistful shadowed her eyes, causing Maddie to wonder…
    “I spoke to Peyton earlier.” Maddie reached for her purse. “She’s got some great ideas for the shower. I wrote them down. Would you like to see?”
    The clatter of utensils mingled with the steaming hiss of the coffeemaker and a murmur of chatter. Italian sausage infused with fennel danced with onions and peppers. Maddie delved through her purse as she waited for her mother to respond. Finally, when Mom remained silent, her gaze still on the kitchen—and Anthony—Maddie tapped her hand. “Mom, are you listening?”
    “What? Oh, yes.” Hattie returned to her, though her dark chocolate gaze remained somewhat distracted by the goings-on across the room. “Peyton, yes. She has ideas. You wrote them down. We’ll set a date and get things moving.”
    “Kami said twins usually come a little early. We’ll have to check our calendars and get the ball rolling soon.”
    “It’s not a party without food.” Hattie’s gaze drifted back to the kitchen. “I’ll go talk to Anthony about coming up with a menu.”
    “I’ll take care of that, Mom. And I’ve already found some pretty invitations. We can host at your house, if that’s OK. There’s plenty of room and the weather should be nice for quite a few weeks yet. ”
    “That’s fine, and the invitations too, sweetheart, but leave the food to me. I’ve got that department covered in spades.” Mom rose from her seat. Dressed in figure-flattering jeans and a peach-colored blouse, with her make-up perfectly applied, she looked ten years younger than the last time Maddie had seen her, which was just yesterday. She looked rested and refreshed, happy with a little spring in her step. “You take care of Gunnar and leave the food to me.”
    “Yes, dear.” Mom motioned toward the entrance. “Here he comes, and he’s got eyes only for you.”
    “Mom, wait —”
    “And that nephew of his, Kyle…such a nice boy. Gunnar’s doing a wonderful thing by taking him in, don’t you think? Admirable, the way he’s handled that situation. The manner in which a man treats his family, his friends, and runs a business speaks volumes for his character.” She turned and backed away, nodding as she passed by Gunnar, who wove through a cluster of close-set tables on his way to the booth. Her voice drifted with the aroma of tomato sauce and parmesan. “Hello there, Gunnar…Kyle. I saw you two pull into the nursery lot. Thanks for returning the truck. I don’t know how you managed, but it looks good as new.”
    “Hi, Mrs. Cutler.” Gunnar removed his ball cap, tipped his head so dark hair spilled across his forehead. His navy polo was emblazoned with a flash of green and orange that formed the logo for his garage. “I didn’t mean to run you off. It looked like you and Maddie were sharing something important.”
    “Oh, we were just finishing up. I suppose you’ve heard the news by now…I’m going to be a grandmother of twins .”
    “Twins? Wyatt and Kami’s?”
    “That’s right. It’s a blessing, isn’t it?” Hattie offered a little wave. “I’m on my way to speak to Anthony in the kitchen. We have business to attend to…about the baby shower. Those grandbabies of ours are going to need lots of things, so we’d better get started, yes?”
    “In that case, don’t let me keep you.” Gunnar nodded. “It was good seeing you.”
    “You too, son.” Hattie waved Gunnar off and then turned to wink at Kyle. “How’d you like a tour of the kitchen? Fred’s busy making pizza crusts for tonight’s special. I’ll bet he’ll let you run one through the press and toss it, maybe even add some sauce and toppings if you asked.”
    “Cool. Can I, Uncle Gunnar?”
    “Sure. Just

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