
Read Online Lilah by Marek Halter - Free Book Online

Book: Lilah by Marek Halter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marek Halter
    â€˜Ah!’ Helamsis, who knew what had caused her mistress’s impatience, sighed with relief. ‘Here’s Lilah’s chariot.’
    â€˜What a way to behave!’ Sarah exclaimed. As she had reached out to help Lilah from the chariot, Axatria had bumped into her. ‘Can’t you apologize, my girl?’ Sarah roared.
    The reproach had no effect. Axatria strode across the outer courtyard, dragging the empty basket behind her, and disappeared between the columns that led to the second courtyard, where the living quarters and the kitchens were.
    â€˜What’s the matter with her?’ Sarah asked Lilah, unable to get over what had happened.
    â€˜Oh, today’s the day for anger,’ Lilah replied, jumping nimbly from the chariot. ‘Everyone’s angry, Axatria, Ezra, even Sogdiam.’
    â€˜Angry? Why? Because of
    Lilah could not help smiling.
could only be Antinoes. She just had time to adjust her shawl onher shoulders before her aunt took her by the elbow. ‘Come, let’s not stay here. I’ve had some sage and rose tea brought to my bedchamber.’
    What Sarah called her bedchamber consisted, in fact, of two spacious rooms. One was a true bedchamber, while the other, furnished with low tables, chests and a large number of cushions, was used as a sitting room. From it, there was a view not only of the second courtyard but also of the gardens surrounding the house, a tranquil and delightful sight. Between the cypresses and the eucalyptus trees, the imposing walls and columns of the Citadel could be seen. Sarah was very proud of the room, and loved to receive her women friends there, as well as the wives of important customers.
    â€˜So, tell me, tell me everything!’ she said, avid for news, as she lay down on the cushions. ‘What did he say?’
    Lilah knew that her aunt’s gaiety would soon vanish. But she avoided replying directly to her impatient questions. ‘Ezra and Master Baruch have had bad news from Jersusalem,’ she said, as if that was what she had been asked. ‘The sage Nehemiah died without accomplishing his mission. The Temple may have been rebuilt, though Ezra has his doubts. But it is desecrated by all kinds of bad practices, and the city itself is lawless again, with no protection for the Jews.’
    Sarah stopped pouring the tea into silver goblets, and frowned. ‘I knew that. Mordechai told me about it a few days ago. It’s sad, I know,’ she said, putting down the pot of tea, ‘but, well . . .’
    â€˜Ezra was furious. He thinks we exiles have been deceived. We’ve let ourselves be too easily taken advantage of. The Law of Yahweh isn’t respected, and the children of Israel are in danger.’
    Sarah gave a sigh of irritation. ‘Ezra is always furious. He thinks we’re guilty of everything.’
    â€˜No, Aunt. He thinks only that we give too little attention to what’s happening in Jerusalem—’
    Sarah waved her hands as if to dispel smoke. ‘Lilah, Lilah, my child! Leave these things to Ezra and Mordechai. They’re not women’s concerns. What I want to know is what Ezra said about your marriage to Antinoes.’
    Avoiding her eyes, Lilah looked up at a flock of swallows circling above the garden. Was she also about to lose her temper?
    She had been dreading this moment since she had left the lower town. She could guess in advance every one of the words that would be spoken: words of reproach she had heard so often, and which never had the slightest effect on her. If Ezra was frequently unfair to his uncle and aunt, they were no less unfair to him, obstinately refusing to judge his behaviour with a modicum of good faith.Couldn’t they at least respect his choices and admire his courage?
    If only they would make an effort to understand him a little instead of constantly reproaching him! Today was definitely a day for

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