helped you remove your body-hair?
And do you often share nightclothes?
Photo: CarbonNYC [flickr]
Things that are not dreams (4)
I close my eyes, and I drift into a heavy sleep with occasional dreams of four-poster beds and shackles and intense grey eyes. (p177)
It’s like you just flicked through a copy of the Agent Provocateur catalogue and cut out some random shapes and stuck them in an album, isn’t it?
How very dare he: the world’s rudest delivery guy
“I have a package for you here, but I have to set it up and show you how to use it.”
“Really? At this time?”
“Only following orders, ma’am.”…
Did he just call me ma’am? Have I aged ten years overnight?...My mouth puckers in disgust. (p177)
Disgusting! How dare he behave in a respectful and courteous manner! What the hell happened to the days when deliverymen turned up in their dirty underwear, threw the parcel at your head, tweaked your left nipple, kicked the cat, cursed out the kids, insulted your husband, spat off your porch and pissed in the mailbox?
Oh come on
“Well, this [MacBook Pro] has full wireless N, and I’ve set it up with your Me account details…”
“Me account?”
“Your new email address.”
I have an email address? (p178)
Ana, at this point I’m starting to wonder if you even have a pulse.
Things that sound good until you picture someone actually doing them (9)
José is punctual. He comes bounding into the shop like a gambolling dark-eyed puppy. (p182)
Awww. Does he leave a little excited puddle on the floor, too?
Teenage kicks
Miss Steele
Stop e-mailing me – and do your assignment.
I’d like to award another A.
The last one was so well deserved. ;)
Christian Grey just sent me a winking smiley…oh my. (p184)
Ana’s scale of gestures that tell you someone likes you
Going for coffee = he probably does this with all the girls
Taking me for a ride in his helicopter = well, it’s quicker than the freeway
Having wild dirty sex all over the house = maybe he was just being a good host
Sending me a winking smiley: OMG I THINK HE MIGHT LIKE ME <3 <3 <3
Chapters Twelve and Thirteen
In which Christian date-rapes Ana, but no-one seems to notice
Ana feels the need for some exercise
For the first time in my life, I voluntarily go for a run. (p187)
So in the past, people have been making you run under duress?
Actually, I can believe that.
Ana’s sneakers are nasty even though she never wears them
I find my nasty, never-used sneakers, some sweat pants, and a t-shirt. (p187)
Maybe the Sneaker Gnomes have been borrowing them when you’re not looking.
Or maybe Kate and José try them on sometimes. Because it’s one way for them to get closer to you.
Surprise about things that are inherently not surprising (2)
Kate is walking from her car as I head out of the door. She nearly drops her shopping when she sees me. Ana Steele in sneakers. (p187)
Photo: triplefivechina [flickr]
Photo: giuskalab [flickr]
Oh, I totally see her point.
Bet Ana’s parents are really glad they worked so hard on building that college fund
Perhaps I should negotiate what I want. Go through that ridiculous contract line by line and say what is acceptable and what isn’t. My research has told me that legally it’s unenforceable. (p187)
No, Ana, you don’t know this because of your research. You know this because of the seventeen years of reasonably high-quality education you’ve received , during which at some point you presumably covered the Abolitionist movement, which made slavery of all kinds illegal.
“No” means “turn up uninvited and try and talk me round”
[Ana to Christian, by email]
Okay, I’ve seen enough.
It was nice knowing you.
Ana. (p188)
I don’t know why I glance up, maybe I catch a slight movement from the corner of my eye…but when I do, he’s standing in the doorway of my bedroom watching me intently. (p189)
So, Christian. All that stuff about “You can walk away at any time and I
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