
Read Online Lightbringer by K.D. McEntire - Free Book Online

Book: Lightbringer by K.D. McEntire Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.D. McEntire
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Muttering, “Hell, who needs lipstick anyway?” Wendy grabbed her backpack and rushed down the stairs.
    “Perfect timing,” Eddie crowed, planting a kiss on her cheek as she hit the last step. “You've chosen to go au naturale , I see. Daring, but elegantly done.” He took her by the hand and bowed over it, brushing warm lips across her knuckles. She shivered faintly at the touch and quickly squelched the warmth pooling in her gut. “My lady, your chariot awaits.”
    “You're so weird,” Chel said, bumping Eddie with her bag as she shoved her way out the front door. One of her poms dropped on the porch; Jon picked it up and she snatched it from him without comment. He took a large bite out of his second breakfast burrito in response.
    “Ah, the buffy disapproves,” Eddie said to Jon, clapping him on the shoulder as Chel threw her things in the back of his Cabriolet and slid into the back seat. “Luck is with us this fine morning. Like the groundhog not seeing his shadow or rain on your wedding day, a disapproving buffy means that all is right in the world.”
    “Toast, please,” Wendy demanded, ruffling Jon's carrot-top with her free hand. He took her backpack from her so she could lock the front door.
    The ride to school was quiet except for Chel's low-pitched chattering into her cell phone the entire way. Low squeals of “No, you stop!” punctuated by high-pitched giggles grated on Wendy's worn nerves fairly quickly. Every time she glanced in the side mirror she would catch glimpses of Jon's miserable expression.
    “Chel!” she finally said, turning in her seat and glaring at her younger sister. “You'll see them in five minutes. Turn the damn thing off, or I swear I'm going to dump all your hair crap down the sink. Fast as your hair grows, you'll have roots in a week.” She put on her best I mean it face and met her sister's furious stare unflinchingly.
    “Excuse me, Marc, bitch alert. I'll see you in ten. Yeah, love you too. Byyyyeee.” Snapping her cell closed, Chel shoved it deep in her purse, crossed her arms over her chest, and said snidely, “Happy now?”
    “Very. Thank you.” Wendy plopped back in her seat.
    “You wouldn't have done it,” Chel added, leaning forward. “Dad paid for my peroxide for my birthday. It's super expensive. He'd be totally pissed off.” Her watch beeped. Smirking at Wendy, Chel reached into her purse, rifled until she came up with a bottle of pills, and dry swallowed one quickly, grimacing at the taste.
    “Look, Malibu Barbie, no one here wants to hear about what your loser boyfriend had for breakfast, okay? You share that cell plan with Jon, so quit running up all the minutes. Text if you have to, but just be quiet.”
    “Like he has anyone to talk to,” Chel grumbled under her breath. Her watch beeped again and she groaned. “Damn, I forgot my multi.”
    “You really ought to open a pharmacy out of your purse,” Wendy said. “I bet you'd make a bundle.”
    “Eddie,” Chel sneered, grabbing Jon's water bottle and chugging several quick gulps to wash down the vitamin, “why don't you just get in her pants already so she'll lay off the rest of us? Being that frigid just can't be good for her health. Also? Way annoying.”
    “Here we go,” Jon muttered and sank as deeply as he could into the corner of the seat.
    Wendy's jaw dropped and it took all her willpower not to slap her younger sister across the face. She turned in the seat and gripped the headrest so hard her knuckles turned white. “Excuse me , you little—”
    “Hey, what-do-ya-know,” Eddie broke in, pulling into the parking lot and angling towards a space in the back row, “we're at school! Look everyone, an educational institute!”
    “Thanks for the ride, Eddie,” Jon gasped, grabbing his backpack and flinging himself over the edge of the car before it had completely stopped. Pulling out his wallet, Jon hurried towards the cafeteria doors, jogging in his haste.
    “Get out,” Wendy

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