Light Dragons 02 - The Unbearable Lightness of Dragons

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Book: Light Dragons 02 - The Unbearable Lightness of Dragons by authors_sort Read Free Book Online
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august toes, huh?”
    Aisling shot it a narrow-eyed look.
    I considered the matter for a moment, then said, “I’m simply going to have to use some magic. With my magic, and Aisling’s Guardian skills, and May’s . . . er . . .”
    “She’s a master thief,” Aisling said with a smile at May. “She’s even better than Drake.”
    “You can imagine how thrilled I am with that praise,” May answered with a grimace. “But Aisling’s right—I can get into places unseen, and given the agreement we have been discussing, I would be happy to do whatever I can to free Thala.”
    “But your magic is kind of odd because of the interdict,” Aisling pointed out.
    I sighed. “Yes, it is, which means I’m going to have to go see Dr. Kostich and insist that he lift the interdict. I haven’t really pushed him about it before, but I think it’s time to strip off the kid gloves and make him do it.”
    “Oooh,” Jim said, its lips an O. “Can I watch when he melts you into a puddle of goo?”
    “Ignore it,” Aisling said, throwing her napkin at the demon. “I have faith in you, Ysolde.”
    Silence fell for a few minutes as we all considered what had to be done.
    “There’s no sense in delaying,” Aisling said abruptly. “The sooner we get this done, the better for everyone. I’ll talk to Drake tonight about a big sárkány with Fiat and Thala, and you and Baltic.”
    “And I’ll explain it all to Gabriel,” May agreed.
    “I’ll tackle Baltic tonight as well.”
    “Yeah, but are you going to talk to him, too?” Jim asked with a lascivious wink. “Or will you have time to talk with all that tackling going on?”
    “Honest to Pete, I can’t take you anywhere. Stop being such a rude demon.” Aisling smiled at us both. “So, we’re agreed?”
    “Agreed,” I said, nodding.
    “Me, too,” May said.
    “Excellent. Mmm, this roast pork is really outstanding. Would anyone like a bite?”
    Jim lifted up its head hopefully. “Yeah, I—”
    “Anyone human want a bite?” she corrected with a meaningful look at it.
    May pursed her lips.
    “Oh, sorry. I forgot you’re not . . . never mind. Ysolde, would you . . . no, you’re not, either. Er . . . moving on. I believe that’s taken care of all the business at hand, so if there are no other issues to deal with, I move we call this meeting officially over.”
    I smiled and lifted my wine. “To the successful completion of whatever it is the First Dragon wants of me.”
    “To no curse on the silver dragons,” May said, lifting her glass.
    “To peace amongst the dragons,” Aisling said, clinking our glasses with hers.
    “To sexy little Corgis with the fuzziest butts imaginable,” Jim added, slurping loudly out of its water bowl.

Chapter Four
    “ Y ou are being ridiculously obstinate.”
    “And you are being unrealistic.” Baltic jammed a few articles of clothing into a small bag. “I am the wyvern, Ysolde. You are the mate. I have yielded to you on more occasions than I like, but about this I will not.”
    It came as no surprise that he outright refused to lift the silver dragon curse. What did take me aback was his flat refusal to even consider the idea of meeting with the other wyverns.
    “If you don’t agree to meet with the weyr, then the whole thing is off.” I couldn’t help the note of pleading in my voice as I followed him when he went from the closet to the bed with a few more items of clothing. “Thala will remain a prisoner, and we’ll remain at war.”
    “The war doesn’t matter to me, and Pavel and I will effect Thala’s release when we return.”
    “At the cost of how many dragons?” I asked, slapping my hands on my legs as he zipped up the bag. “You said yourself that there was far more protection around her than you imagined. You can’t just waltz in and get her—you would have to fight, just the two of you against Drake’s huge army of men intent on keeping her prisoner. And much as you annoy me at times, I don’t want

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