Life On the Refrigerator Door

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Book: Life On the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Kuipers
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When I look at you

    Hey Claire–Bear,
carrots and rabbit food for Peter
ground beef
juice—you choose
    If you can carry any more, get a chicken and two cans of beans. Don’t worry if you can’t, I can try and pick these up tomorrow.
    —Money on the counter. Don’t forget your key!
    I bought everything on the list except the chicken and the beans. It was FREEZING outside and carrying the bags back I thought my fingers were going to fall off. I NEED new gloves. We should go to the store again this Saturday—you aren’t working this weekend are you?
    Hope you had a good day???
    I made spaghetti bolognese for when you get in.
    I’m running out the door. I’m on call this weekend. Sorry.
    I’m going to spend the night at Emma’s.
    You seemed a bit tired last night, Mom. I hope you’re not working too hard???
    See you tomorrow.
    Don’t worry, I have my key.
    If you get time could you stop and get a chicken? I’ll cook a Sunday roast tonight.
    After STARVING TO DEATH FOR AGES I made a chicken thing using a recipe off the internet. I put the leftovers in the fridge. I waited for you but I figured you weren’t EVER going to get back so I just put cling-wrap on it. Emma NEVER has to cook for her mom.
    I’m going to school early tomorrow so I won’t see you. Emma’s mom is giving us a ride, she took pity on us with the SNOW. Then I’m babysitting tomorrow night, to make some money so I can buy some of the things I NEED. Like GLOVES. So my hands don’t FALL OFF in the COLD!!!!
    Why don’t you get a phone, then at least I could call you????!!!!!!!!
    Dear Claire–Bear,
    I had a stressful weekend. It would be nice to come home and not be made to feel guilty.
    I hope school was interesting. There’s some of the chicken (which was very good, by the way) left over. See you for breakfast. I want to talk to you about something.
    Love you,
    —I left some money for gloves on the counter
    I had to go. One of my patients delivered two and a half months early. January is a horrible month to have a preemie …
    When’s your presentation? Isn’t it coming up soon?
    Let’s do something tonight. I feel like I haven’t seen you for days.
    Love you,
    —Could you get some more apples?
    Hi Mom!
    I can’t do tonight. I have to go to Emma’s to study. James is coming too and we’re all working on the presentation for tomorrow.
    I made some pasta with a cheese sauce so there’s no milk left. I didn’t get apples yet. Hope work was fun. How’s last night’s baby?
    Could you leave me 10 dollars, Mom?
    Hey Claire–Bear,
    I picked us up some milk and some more bread. There’s more fruit and veg too. Including apples.
    Thanks for the macaroni and cheese—very good. You’re a better cook than I am now.
    I’m booking you for breakfast on Saturday. I have to talk to you.
    What’s the money for?
    Hey Claire–Bear,
    Nice to see you last night, if only for a minute. You seemed all grown up when you left. I forget sometimes that you’re only fifteen.
    I’m sorry: I realize just now that I forgot to ask how your presentation went.
    I’ll be at work later tonight. Dr. Goodman is away and we’re all working three times as hard it seems.
    Is Saturday still good for you? We do need to talk properly.
    I love you, sweetheart.
    Peter’s cage needs cleaning. Poor rabbit.
    Hi Mom!
    I got an A!
    Well done, darling! That’s terrific. Was it an important presentation?
    It was really important. If I EVER saw you I’d be able to tell you stuff like that. I can’t believe you had to ask.
    I’m not coming home until late tonight. Emma’s parents asked me for dinner. I might stay over if it keeps snowing. I’ll call to check with you. Tomorrow night I’m babysitting again.

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