Life Before Damaged Vol. 8 (The Ferro Family)
fixed everything by accepting Constance’s offer, but in solving my problem, I’ve caused one for Anthony. I’ve done this to him.
    No, he did this to himself, Gina. Stop taking the blame for everything.
    The new me tries to take a stand, determined to push through and fight for herself, instead of being walked on and used. I let her take over. “Anthony, we were never engaged. You never proposed. You cheated on me the day before my father ordered me to marry you and had no qualms living with a lie or marrying me under false pretenses. You only wanted to pretend we were fine because it was to your advantage. You used and deceived me. I’m sorry for your financial situation, but I wouldn't help you even if I could.”
    “Is that what this is about, Regina? Dammit, it was just sex! It didn't mean anything. I love you, and that means everything! I’m sorry I cheated on you, okay? I was confused and under a lot of stress. It was stupid, and I won’t ever do that to you again. Is that what you want me to say? How can I make it up to you? Please take me back! You have to take me back!” He’s begging, desperate to regain his former life.
    My hand grips the iron railing tightly enough to hurt, but my words are soft and controlled. "You never loved me. You hardly even cared for me. You didn't even want to touch me, Anthony. Do you know how much that hurt? How much it still hurts? You wanted my money and my connections so badly you forced yourself to share a bed with me. You weren't in love with me, you were repulsed by me, and now I'm repulsed by you. I won't take you back, not now or ever. Goodbye, Anthony.”
    I nod to the Ferros' butler, a silent request for him to escort Anthony out. I turn around to climb the steps to my room. I don't want him to see my unshed tears; I don't want him to think they're for him. They aren't. Months of rejection have taken their toll, and I yearn to have someone who wants me for a change.
    Suddenly, I feel a firm hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. “No! You have to take me back.” Anthony’s voice is desperate. The pain in his voice is too much. I can't crush another human being's spirit.
    I want to answer him kindly, tell him it's not too late for him to turn his life around, but his hand is ripped away from my shoulder before I get a chance to speak.
    “Get your fucking hands off of her, you worthless lowlife piece of shit!”
    That voice. That angry, hate-filled voice echoes, booming around the grand foyer, promising nothing but pain and bloodshed.

November 16th, 9:40am
    P ete stands menacingly behind Anthony , holding onto him by the shoulder. He’s shirtless, and the top button of his jeans is undone. Pete's body language screams one word: fight. His muscles cord tightly, every tendon tensing as he clenches and unclenches his fist.
    My hands lift, like I could stop him. I have to stop him. "Pete, no. Let him go."
    Pete doesn't acknowledge me. The two men face each other, competing in an instinctual glaring contest. Anthony doesn't stand a chance in this fight, and it scares me. He's having trouble focusing his eyes on anything as it is, and he can barely stand without wobbling. He's not physically strong sober, much less shit-faced drunk.
    Anthony blinks a couple of times and stabs a finger at Pete's chest. "Hey. Aren't you that Ferro guy who was nailing all the girls at Regina's house? Man, you gotta let me know what your secret is! I could definitely use that kind of pussy act--"
    Pete's fist connects with Anthony's jaw before Anthony can finish his sentence. Anthony loses his footing and stumbles backward but doesn't fall. I let out a scream and hold onto the cold railing with both hands.
    "Stop it, Pete. Please!" Pete continues to ignore me. The butler stands still, letting the fight take place. The future master of the house is in no danger, so there's no need to intervene.
    Anthony shakes his head in confusion and rubs his jaw. "What the hell, man?" Anthony looks

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