
Read Online LickingHerWounds by Fran Lee - Free Book Online

Book: LickingHerWounds by Fran Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fran Lee
“Would you refuse me if I wished
to mate with you?”
    The words brought her eyes wide open in shock as she
realized what he had just asked her. She stared down at the place where his
lips and his large hand glistened with her juices, and she whimpered. “You
want…to mate… with me ?”
    His elongated fangs flashed as he smiled down at her. “I’ve
already taken your blood, little one…all that is left is for you to take
mine…while I am deep inside this part of your body.”
    “Omegas are forbidden to mate…” Her voice trailed off as he
bent closer to slurp one breast into his mouth through the thin fabric of her
dress and his large hand tightened possessively on her slim waist.
    Cal felt the soft nipple go diamond-hard against his tongue
and knew that she was thrilling to his caresses. He realized with a numb sense
of disgust with himself that his oath not to hurt this female was evaporating
with every moment he allowed himself the bliss of her body. He closed his eyes
and drew a deep breath, then slowly lifted away from her, withdrawing his wet
fingers and exhaling slowly to calm his rampant body.
    Her hands on his wrist pulled him back but he carefully
broke her grip and shook his head, pulling her skirt back down to cover her
trembling body. “Forgive me, Jessie. I shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong.
You didn’t invite me to touch.”
    The look in those silver eyes almost made him forget his
good intentions. A small hand slid up the front of his chest and her voice was
breathless as she spoke. “Gar said there are no omegas among your kind. Is that
    His voice was tight. “Yes.”
    “Then if you want to mate with me, there will be no shame in
it for you?”
    “Gar said that I must not touch you unless you ask to be
touched.” Her pulse was throbbing in the vein at the side of her throat, and he
swallowed hard, feeling ready to burst. “But I want your touch.”
    He caught her hand and held it to his heart. “Jessie, you
are small. If I lose control with you I could hurt you badly…”
    Her first spontaneous smile was innocently wicked as she
looked at his swollen fly and whispered, “You didn’t hurt Hallie.”
    He felt heat rise in his cheeks. “You watched when…?”
    She nodded slowly, her lips pressing together as if she
thought he might be angry with her. “I wish you would welcome my touch as you
did hers.”
    He released her hand and stared at her. “It would be better
not to touch me.”
    Jessie bit her lower lip at the dark glow in his eyes. His
body was beautiful to her. The feel of his chest beneath her palm set off
little shivers of anticipation inside her belly and she felt hot and tingly. He
had not removed her hand from his chest. She dragged her fingers down the hard
ripples of his belly to the swelling inside his trousers. His eyes closed and
he gave a deep groan as if in pain.
    “Am I hurting you?” She withdrew her hand instantly and he
opened his eyes and licked his lips. He shook his head.
    Heartened by his response, she reached to touch it again,
and he placed his hand over hers. “Jessie, if I begin to shift…run. Run like
    She swallowed hard and whispered, “I don’t believe you will
hurt me. I want to touch you. I want to feel what Hallie felt when you mated
with her.”
    His rough bark of laughter brought her eyes to his face.
“You mean when I made love to her?”
    “Is that what cats call it? We call it copulation. Breeding.
But Hallie seemed to enjoy it very much. I would really like to feel that.”
    She sat up, and the heat of his body was intense through his
shirt and her dress. “Please. I want to touch you.”
    He shuddered and she bit her lip, wondering if he was
disgusted with her again. She withdrew her hand slowly and watched as his eyes
grew dark and his chest heaved for breath. “Are you shifting?” she whispered
    Cal brought himself under tight control, shaking his head in
answer to

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