Lexie and Killian

Read Online Lexie and Killian by Desiree Holt - Free Book Online

Book: Lexie and Killian by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
that’s what we’ll do.” He reached for her hand. “Come on. Then we’ll get some lunch.”
    But Lexie wasn’t moving.
    Lord, now what?
    “Yes, darlin’?”
    “Please don’t be mad at me, but I don’t want you to see it until the show tomorrow night.”
    What the hell?
    “Lexie.” He called up every bit of his dwindling patience. “What the hell is going on here?”
    She twisted her hands together. “It’s, uh, sort of a surprise. Please? Just let me do this one thing my way?”
    He grasped her small hands in his larger ones, squashing the nervous habit and hoping he was calming her.
    “I don’t know what’s going on here, Lexie, but if you want to go by yourself, I guess I’ll have to live with it.” He squeezed her hands gently. “But how about if we do this…is there a nice restaurant near where this gallery is?”
    “Yes.” She nodded. “There’s a place called The Lady Adele two blocks down from the gallery. Excellent food, as a matter of fact. Good rich southern cooking.”
    “That definitely sounds appealing.” In fact, his mouth was already watering. “How about if we do this. Let’s take a cab to the gallery. I won’t go inside,” he said quickly as she opened her mouth to protest. “Point me in the direction of this Adele’s place, and, when you’re done, you can walk down and meet me there. That work?”
    She smiled then, and relief washed over her face.
    “That’s perfect. Killian, I’m not doing any of this to make you mad, or to shut you out of this. Please understand. I just have so many ghosts to chase.”
    He pulled her against him in a gentle hug. “I know. I just wish you’d let me chase them with you.”
    “Soon enough.”
    “Then let’s get going. While I’m waiting, I can call the ranch and talk to Stoney, check up on things.”
    She laughed a real laugh this time. “And you complain about me? You’ve called the man five times since we left the ranch this morning. He’s liable to quit.”
    “Naw. Stoney’s a good old hand. He puts up with me just fine.”
    “Puts up being the operative phrase,” she pointed out with a tiny grin. “I’m so glad these guys are working out well.”
    “Me, too. We’ve finally passed all the tests with the state, and the vet gave the entire stock a clean bill of health. As soon as we get back, we’re scheduling the first insemination.”
    “Until I met you,” she told him, “I thought horses did it the old fashioned way, just like people.”
    “Not if you want top quality foals,” he pointed out.
    “So I’m beginning to learn. Okay, let’s go downstairs and get a cab. I’ll check on my painting, and you can check on the horses.”
    “Sounds like a deal to me.”
    As they waited in front of the inn for the doorman to hail a cab for him, he couldn’t help wondering yet again what was so mysterious about this particular painting. What was so secretive? Was it the same one she’d entered three years ago and maybe now wanted vindication for? Or did it have something to do with that asshole Rick? Had Lexie been in contact with him? Was more going on here than he knew? Even before he met him, he was ready to punch his lights out.
    The cab pulled to the curb, and, as he helped Lexie into it, he made a solemn vow to himself to get to the bottom of everything.
    Killian would have dropped her off at the gallery, but Lexie wanted at least the distance of the two blocks separating them. She wasn’t sure if all the entries had been draped and covered or even where hers would be displayed, but she wasn’t taking any chances. She’d thought long and hard about the three images she’d submitted, crossing her fingers the one she wanted would be selected.
    Of course having any of them chosen for entry was a hugely big deal, but to have them want this one? It would be like the frosting on the cake. Despite lingering feelings of betrayal and inadequacy from the last show, she had applied for

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