Letting Go (Healing Hearts)

Read Online Letting Go (Healing Hearts) by Michelle Sutton - Free Book Online

Book: Letting Go (Healing Hearts) by Michelle Sutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Sutton
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sucking assured Dave his son would be okay now that he’d calmed down.
    But what about the lump on Joey’s head? It would no doubt turn into a nasty bruise. What would the new caseworker think when she saw it? Fear seized Dave’s chest.
    He forced the thought from his head. He’d done nothing wrong. As Joey lay on the floor, Dave wiped his bottom clean and dressed him. And just in case Joey had gotten a concussion or slight skull fracture, Dave picked up the phone and called Joey’s pediatrician for an emergency appointment.
    Joey pulled his thumb free and protested. “Swim! Swim, Daddy, swim!”
    “Not now, Son. We need a doctor to look at your head.”
    His son’s words sounded garbled as he begged with his thumb stuffed deep inside his mouth and obstructing his speech. Dave couldn’t help but chuckle at how quickly Joey forgot his pain. Dave hoped he would recover as well when the emotional upheaval caused by his mother’s reentry into his life finally took place.
    Cringing, he held Joey close. He couldn’t make that situation all better.
    He also couldn’t help worrying. Would Joey blame him for it?
    *   *   *
    “Yes, I promise I’ll attend a support group if I feel the urge to overdose again. But I doubt that’ll happen because these anti-depressants are already helping, Doc. I know you say it takes at least a week for the effect to kick in, but I’m telling you, I’m feeling better after only a few days of taking this stuff.” Diane engaged her face in a tight smile.
    “How do I know you’ll be okay and aren’t just saying this to get released?” The elder doctor raised one eyebrow.
    “I’m fine now, I swear. Please, just let me go home. It’s bad enough I had to spend Thanksgiving in this awful place.”
    Diane fought the urge to dissolve into tears. She knew that if she cried, the staff psychiatrist, Doctor Danielo, wouldn’t believe her claim, and they’d keep her even longer. Gazing over at his psychiatric intern with desperation, she widened her eyes and blinked, hoping to win him as an ally.
    The younger doctor responded with a gleam in his eye. She recognized the look he gave her and gave him a seductive grin. She was desperate enough to do just about anything.
    The doctor and intern excused themselves and quietly discussed her situation in the back corner of the room. When finally they turned to face her, all smiles, she figured she had won them over.
    She leaned forward with anticipation. “So?”
    “When did you say your surgery is scheduled?”
    “Next Friday. Why?”
    “As long as you agree to continue taking your medication and to call if you need an adjustment to your dose, then we’ll release you.”
    “I really get to go home today?” Her voice raised in pitch as her excitement grew. It felt so good to be free.
    “That’s right.” The handsome young intern moved forward, offering his hand with an affirming, “Congratulations, Ms. Simmons.”
    Bypassing the intern’s hand, she flew into his arms. Forgetting that the thin hospital gown was anything but modest, she gave him a hearty, lingering hug. When she released him, she gazed into his eyes for a moment with silent appreciation so he’d know how grateful she truly was.
    Then she turned and hugged Dr. Danielo, who stiffened at her touch. From the corner of her eye she caught the intern examining her backside, now completely exposed because the gown had fallen open. He offered a sly smile and his eyes darkened, feasting on the sight of her like a starved man.
    His expression made Diane smile inwardly. She still had that touch. The intern looked smitten, so just for the fun of it, she winked at him.
    Her father’s pleased expression flashed before her eyes, and the memory of his twisted attraction to her made her flesh crawl. Instant regret pricked her heart, but she ignored the ache and pushed aside the conviction that tore at her conscience. She had control right now, and she planned to keep

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